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  1. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Lunch, anyone? Submarine training facility at Cam Ranh
  2. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Welcome to the conflict, Indonesia. I guess Indonesia is beginning to feel the heat from the chicom encroachment of its territory. As for the Phillipines, I think those $500+ millions that they spend on the T-50 jets should have been used to buy offshore patrol vessels instead. You need...
  3. ViXuyen


    Either airforce is strong enough to defend their airspace, but neither has the numerical superiority and quality to do a Desert Storm style SEAD (The U.S mobilized 2000 4th generation fighters and lost 57 jets).
  4. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Two KN-series OPV have already been launched. Damn, our media is so quiet about this.
  5. ViXuyen

    2nd Russian-built submarine arrives at Vietnam port

    The russian is the last one to help Vietnam build submarine or any significant military products. The biggest customers of Russian weaponries are the chicom and the Indian. Both of them are moving toward self sufficency and buying much less from the Russian. Vietnam is one of a few customers...
  6. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    Then why are you keep wasting your time chatting with me?:p:
  7. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    War has stopped in Vietnam but it is still going on in that hell hole of yours.
  8. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    If Vietnam is a crap hole then your Pakistan is a hell hole where bombs are being exploded on a daily basis. Your sorry economy of 193 million people with only $25 billion of export and $10 billion of forex is truly pathetic. Pakistan is a nuke power; yeah I get it. Must be some kind of...
  9. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    You mentioned the word Vietnamese first in this thread before I bother typing Pakistan, you cry baby. :omghaha: Now take a chill pill and find some positive news about your Pakistani community in Europe instead of pulling us down to the same level as yours :bunny:
  10. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    Dude, nobody gives a shxit about Pakistan or even mention the word Pakistan in here until you started to talk xhit about us Vietnamese turning Germany into third-worlder. You guys are the most insecured and cry baby wherever you guys go. You jab cheap xhit at others but you don't have the...
  11. ViXuyen

    Myanmar as an emerging military power

    I think Myanmar land and naval forces are stronger than Thailand. Thailand is stronger than Myanmar in the air force department. However, if Myanmar has the Buk and Tor missile systems to go along with the Pechora 2M, Myanmar will easily neutralize Thailand's airforce. Hence, I will rank...
  12. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    Hater is gonna hate....I read on the news a few days ago, we just added $2 billion to our forex in the first 2 months of this year and we achieve $1 billion trade surplus in the first quarter.:sleep:
  13. ViXuyen

    2nd Russian-built submarine arrives at Vietnam port

    In order to build submarine you need to having steel plate rolling machinery that can roll large diameter plate. Right now, Vietnam does not have this capability. The company that can roll the largest diameter in Vietnam can only produce a diameter in ...5 feet while submarine requires at...
  14. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    You're the one who is obsessed with skin colour so stop being a hypocrite. White people, black people are terms used widely across this forum so now "Brown people" is considered as "racist"?
  15. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    When did I degrade brown people? People use the term White people, black people, yellow people, so how come when I use the term "brown people" it is considered as "racist"? Liberals like you are a bunch of hypocrites who are closet racists. And when did I say that Vietnamese is the most ligh...
  16. ViXuyen

    2nd Russian-built submarine arrives at Vietnam port

    Vietnam will buy more subs from Russia for sure but not any more surface vessels.
  17. ViXuyen

    Myanmar as an emerging military power

    Any pictures of Myanmar's Buk-M1 or Tor-M1 ?
  18. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    The real racist is you, not me. You took the brown context to be something negative:p: You reveal yourselve as a racist by believing that German prefer Viet immigrants because of skin color. I even mention that Vietnamese made it in Germany by having a Vice Chancellor as a Vietnamese. You...
  19. ViXuyen

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    Looks like the closet racist here are you since you take my "brown" word as some kind negative innuendo. Unlike you I think those brown mexican chicks, Cambodian chicks, and Bollywood chicks can be very hot. We don't refer to ourselves as "White" ,you dummy:omghaha:, we call ourselves as...
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