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  1. ViXuyen

    Why is Thailand economically backwards?

    The Thai is like the Japanese of Southeast Asia. They're very polite and humble and will always make u feel good about yourself. However, when you turn your back against them; they probably don't even remember what they said to you one minute earlier:p: Thai people are very easy going and...
  2. ViXuyen

    Vietnam is now Apple’s fastest growing market in the world

    My brother and I bought an Ipad mini for our mother, she loves it. She also has an Apple Iphone. I used to have an Ipad but did not enjoy it that much so I gave it to my brother and I go back to my destop computer.:p:
  3. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    Butthurting? LOL You chinasty troll us by starting this thread and when we prove you wrong (Vietnam can't assemble smartphone, china dominate Vietnam's mobile phone market, china make components for Apple Iphone LOL), you scream about us being "jealous" of you guys. Please, we do not care...
  4. ViXuyen

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    There is always a cold peace (or war) between Australis and Indonesia. These 124 F-35 are obviously aiming at Indonesia. So how would Indonesia respond to this fleet of stealth jets?
  5. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    WOW, chinese firms supply "batteries" for Apple Iphone, I mean WOW, a battery costs like what? $4.50 usd out of the total component costs of $300.00. :omghaha: WOW, I mean WOW. Please, read my prior post for your education of the detail breakdown of Apple's Iphone components instead of pulling...
  6. ViXuyen

    Vietnam is now Apple’s fastest growing market in the world

    Personal consumer products? Yes, extremely brand conscious. Things like cars, clothing, cellphone are very important to us and American or Western brands are preferably over the rest when our pockets allowed.
  7. ViXuyen

    Vietnam is now Apple’s fastest growing market in the world

    Give me a break, Chinese stood in line days in advance to buy Apple.
  8. ViXuyen

    Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

    The difference between you and us is we don't BEG for an American apology while you keep BEGGING and WHINING with the Japanese for an APOLOGY. Now, you are BEGGING the American to accept you into their schools and when they reject you, you again WHINE and WHINE about it. You chinaclowns are a...
  9. ViXuyen

    Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

    Go back to china then if your chicomrades don't like to be discriminated in the U.S. I though China is a supa bowa, why BEGGING American schools to accept u guys in? And when they reject your sorry ***, you whine and cry about it, quite pathetic:omghaha: Go back to China, go..................
  10. ViXuyen

    Vietnam is now Apple’s fastest growing market in the world

    While we move up the ladder of consumer product purchase, a bunch of clueless clowns are masturbating that we would start buying their cheap crappy phones. LOL Smartphones in Vietnam the likes of Samsung, Sony, LG, Nokia cost about $500-$700 USD, Apple costs about $1k usd. Moving up from the...
  11. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    This why u chinaclowns are really clueless what you try to do. For all of these year even though our GDP per capita is below $2k usd, we never bother using china whatever shit phones. We have always used Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sony, Sharp. Now, as we move up our economic status, we're beginning...
  12. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    Claim? I gave u chinaclowns a Viet media link in the prior page to show you Samsung and Nokia are the two players in the Viet mobile phone market and u guys are still masturbating about your phone dominating our market? And when I debunk your bullshit claim u call me as "jealous" LOL. Jealous...
  13. ViXuyen

    Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

    If it is the policy of the USA to "discriminate" chicom citizens, chicom citizens can move back to china to enjoy their discrimination free environment
  14. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    That's Iphone5 data, moron LOL Now, tell me which Apple phones that use Chinese components?LOL Your media is a joke for even attempting to make up a news about China smartphone dominate Vietnam market. Gullible folks like u quickly believe it right away LOL. Heck, I don't even know of any...
  15. ViXuyen

    Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

    If you and your chicom immigrants/citizen are not happy with American system, u guys can renounce your citizenship and move back to china to enjoy chinese ivy league school whatever. What's the point of whining and crying about how "unjust" America is? American can do whatever they want in...
  16. ViXuyen

    Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

    If u don't like it, go back to china, why bother going to American Ivy League school? Tell the rest of your chicom to renounce their US citizenship and go back to china too. You guys can happily go to china ivy whatever school in china without facing "discrimination". No American is putting...
  17. ViXuyen

    25 top submarine fleets based on quality and quantity

    u should do a "tank force" too.
  18. ViXuyen

    Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

    Stop whining and go to your china IVY LEAGUE school instead. Since u hate America so much you should go back to china, go to china ivy league whatever school instead of whining and crying about an enemy state that you are so jealous and hate of. Go, pack your bag, go back to china or stay in...
  19. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    Don't say that because if you buy an Apple instead of a whatever china phone these chinaclowns are going to say that u are "jealous" of them LOL
  20. ViXuyen

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    What an idiot, then I guess you have problem with more than a billion potential customers out there who think chinese phones are shit and go for Nokia, Samsung, Sony, LG, Apple. Stop bullshiting about Chinese producing components for smartphones
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