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  1. ViXuyen

    Vietnam US nuclear cooperation

  2. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Are you trying to defend your books, eh? Taylor.... I don't care what these historians claim. Primary Viet sources never mention Le Loi was a Muong or not; let alone there were Vietnamese who supported the Ming. Where in Dai Viet Su Ky Toan Thu that mention otherwise? Obviously, these...
  3. ViXuyen

    Vietnam's president meets delegation of Chinese veterans in Hanoi

    You guys are really obsessive with us; from history, economy, industry,military............to even our pollution and cancer problem:o:
  4. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Failed logic. Taylor has a PHD does not mean he is not susceptible to lying. I already busted him for making too many facts already. Are you his accomplice? Tani Li,,, Keith Taylor both are joe blow historians and I already busted their lying. The Ming had to reinforce 100k from Guangxi...
  5. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Western historian Taylor has more credibility than me because of what? Is he a Gospel? I busted Taylor for lying easily with many outrageous claims that he made that not even comtemporary Viet history sources would dare to make. Taylor is nothing in my eyes. If you want to use his sources...
  6. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Did you edit that and add Chinese forces along with Vietnamese forces? Didn't I bust u for making up fact that the Chinese troops "crushed" the French in Tonkin? You make up fact again. The border of Dai Viet expanded to Quang Nam province at the time of Le Loi. This province was populated...
  7. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Keith Taylor? Is this the guy who claims that Le Loi was a "Trai" ? LOL No Viet history books mention the word "Trai" my friend. Taylor's credibility or knowledge is already questionable with this kind of claim. Even comptemporary Viet primary sources are not sure if Le Loi was an ethnic...
  8. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    There is no Trai people mentioned in Viet history, stop making up a claim and use who knows what sources as your "backup". Viet history mentioned he might be a Muong, but nowhere there is the word "Trai". His army was about 200k men and the population of the Muong at that time could not even...
  9. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Is that what you got from Mingshi? LOL. Stop making up history, you troll. Vietnamese fought for the Ming China? Sure, Mr. Troll. I even busted all of the Western historians that you quoted for making up lie about an ethnicity called "Trai". The Ming sent 100k reinforment to fight Le...
  10. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Rubbish, the Ming sent reinforcement from China with 100,000 men and these third-rated historians are saying otherwise? Read Mingshi please You're the biggest troll on this forum. Other than quoting from third-rated historian who even made up an ethnicity called "Trai", what other sources do...
  11. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Lengthy post full of shit history written by some third rated historian using seconary sources. How the like of u becoming a think tank is beyound one's imagination. Say hi to Lieu Thang for me, we had the Ming's best man head on a pike. Don't forget to mention Ming shi explicitely stated how...
  12. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    And Vietnam defeated Ming China in 1427, capturing 100,000 Chinese in battle. The defeat in 1407 does not count as most of the Ho Dynasty troops did not fight in protest of their support for the Tran. Yet, it took the Ming 6 months to "defeat" Vietnam
  13. ViXuyen

    Liaoning suddenly broken, there's only 6 J-15 ever done !!!

    Huh? When did the Su22 an air superiority fighter? Su22 is a strike platform for air to ground role for launching anti radar/anti ship missiles
  14. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    I only see u guys bitch about how strong your navy is but up till this point, you still have not had the balls to attack us, not even back in 2000's when we were so WEAK.
  15. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Yes, they do. Our weakest point was in the mid 2000's and China did not even dare to take on us, not even NOW, so when? I have said this many times, the time for China to attack Vietnam is a couple of years ago or even NOW yet the Spratly is still in status quo.
  16. ViXuyen

    Liaoning suddenly broken, there's only 6 J-15 ever done !!!

    You are dead wrong, my friend. Su22 can still be used as a platform to launch anti-ship/anti-radar missiles. Su22 operating from the coast of Vietnam does not need air refueling capability to reach the Spratly.
  17. ViXuyen

    U.S. To Return To Subic Bay, Sorry China................

    The Phil need to upgrade their military. How about this Korean midget sub for littoral combat? Maybe we can also buy and build 20 of this
  18. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    The chinaclowns like to grab land and the Russian have a lot of land to be grabbed from. The Russian will make sure that the chinaclowns will forever be busy with their neighbors be it Vietnam, India, Korea, Japan. If the chinaclowns don't have to concentrate their military on their neighbors...
  19. ViXuyen

    Vietnam is now Apple’s fastest growing market in the world

    LOL, Really? Chinese have to sell organS to buy Apple products LOL Chinese boy sells kidney to buy iPad and iPhone | Mail Online
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