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  1. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    Funny,hindus make fun of their gods in comedy shows and you are telling them. Yes,I do not agree with the bloggers and I think they should be fined.But jailing them is extreme and will only make them more atheist.It is better to debate and try to convince that their viewpoint is erroneous .
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    Pakistan: Shia Scholar Murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba Militants

    Pakistan: Shia Scholar Murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba Militants KARACHI, Pakistan (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - A Shia scholar, 45-year-old Syed Raza Rizvi, was shot dead outside his house in Gol Market, Nazimabad. SSP Central Amir Farooqi said Rizvi, the chairman of the Noorul Imaan Mosque in...
  3. M

    Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

    Because this is the truth. Pakistan asked China and USA to intervene against India and asked CENTO/SEATO to intervence and due to threat of ussr which threated nuclear war on India's behalf in 1971 ,no one came forward. West cares about itself.Not Turkey.
  4. M

    BJP plans to cash in on communal polarisation in UP

    I know about the sunnis .Thats why I say they are merciliess.They are educated to be ruthless. I have seen them twist suras in favor of genocide. But then ,via infiltration by intelligence agencies ,it is possible to tone down the type of indoctrination from violent to peaceful.Stop the saudi...
  5. M

    Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

    Yes. Because if Russia is determined it will destroy Turkey and USA will watch .For USA ,islamic blood is cheap and . Its Israel they will defend at all costs ,even to the point of thermonuclear war.
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    BJP plans to cash in on communal polarisation in UP

    Seiko and you is right. The politicans on the top can crush such movements if they use right combinations of targetting the elite masterminds. Reeducate the foot soldiers ,help them monetarily and they will repent and change their views.
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    Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

    You do understand that such actions can lead to major wars do you? Or is shia blood too cheap for you?
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    Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

    Not strong enough to take on Russia in my opinion.USA is the only one capable of taking on Russia.
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    Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

    Your ideas will take the world to World war 3.
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    Shahzeb Khan murder: Parents pardon culprits 'in the name of Allah'

    Yeah,then why shias are being in mass numbers in Pakistan?
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    Muzaffarnagar violence: Toll rises to 48

    I have been seeing a lot of polarization in opinions of relatively secular indians in the presence of the pakistani wahabbi bigots.Don't take them Pakistani seriously!!!
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    Shahzeb Khan murder: Parents pardon culprits 'in the name of Allah'

    shows there is no rule of law in Pakistan.
  13. M

    Disaster for US foreign policy and credibility

    Russia is trying a lot to protect Syria.I thank them for that.
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    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    Yeah , you are a indoctrinated pakistani shia or simply lying.I have stayed in Iran for sometime and am an indian citizen. I know very well what the deoband is doing against in UP and how large nos of fighter.s in FSA are pakistanis and arabs. ... So please I am not interested.Always Shias in...
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    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    Is that why you are hallucinating ,huh al-nusra?
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    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    No how about this way? Shias,hindus,christians destroy the sunni wahabbis by any means against the sunnis. Sunnis have no qualms in mass murdering Shias across the world.I will have no qualms too if I have to fight jihad against the sunnis.
  17. M

    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    Thanks but no thanks.Shias are fine in India and Iran.We don't partition.Take the sunni muslims if you want ,but one of these days,indian shias will have to fight jihad against sunnis.
  18. M

    Russia can be next after Syria

    If russia has scalar weapons then it might world overlord..
  19. M

    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    Why does everyone in the political parties care so much about the sunni vote bank.The mosques of the sunnis need to be infiltrated and monitored by RAW. Yes,its a lot bad ,believe me I know,but in coming times it will be necessary to know what the sunnis are planning.
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