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  1. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    EU already has oil and gas from Russia.It fears them thats why it imports the other parts from salafis and africa. And I am not a citizen of EU.
  2. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    Christian Mob Surrounds Muslim Man Outside the White House - YouTube Christian Fundamentalists Show Islamophobia and Intolerance for Religious Freedom in Opposition to Muslim Day of Prayer I think I have shown enough.
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    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    Then you guys should test the immigrants on their tolerance ,rather than giving citizenship to anyone who comes for asylum.Look at the Rape epidemic in Sweden due to the asylum EU gave to salafis.
  4. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    Let to accept faults and rectify them ,instead of denying it.This is not 15th century when we muslims were superpower. Today its the rule of Russians,Chinese and the West. With your kind of mentality we will self-destruct. Mark my words.
  5. M

    India To Test 5,500-km Agni-V Ballistic Missile On Sunday

    I have spoken to a number of them.Nowadays ,since China has decommunized itself from Maoism,the feeling of chinese nationalism is rising. Its changing .
  6. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    We should blame the salafi actions and their intolerance for making the host populations paranoid and websites like faithfreedom,islam-watch to further aggravate the paranoia.Do you think that the arab nations would let me or you emigrate??? No.
  7. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    Funny.Then why are you living in USA?
  8. M

    India To Test 5,500-km Agni-V Ballistic Missile On Sunday

    Can't say the same about Bangladesh .But Pakistan yes.
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    India To Test 5,500-km Agni-V Ballistic Missile On Sunday

    A good number of taiwanese want to enter into one nation ,two systems type concept that happens to be in place in Hong Kong and Macau.
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    Militants behead three anti-Taliban militia chiefs in northwest Pakistan

    This is the result of sponsoring fanaticism.
  11. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    If you would read W.D Gann's work on the stock market you would realise that most religious books have sequences of coded numerology and how universal cycles that influence humans operate and this is not a joke.W.D Gann was a true genius who learnt from Tibetan monks,Sufis and Indian merchants...
  12. M

    Darul Uloom issues fatwa against photography, calls it a 'sin'

    This is what the narrow mindedness does.Intolerance ,hate etc.
  13. M

    Voltaire network totally destroys the lies of the chemical weapons

    It is a known fact that wahabbis and west are lying through their teeth.
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    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    Thats why I think Islam needs control of sufis rather than the mullahs.The intolerance mullahs are exhibiting are taking us for destruction .
  15. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    Sister, don't muslims keep abuses here on hindus on PDF??? Then how can you expect atheists not to do so? See ,everyone in the world has a cocoon of ignorance and when that cocoon is broken you come out of ignorance. We must attack the ignorance ,not pass fatwas to jail and kill. Already ,there...
  16. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    Actually,torsion physics which is responsible for creation of soviet superweaponry like Psychotronics confirms the existence of an hyperdimensional consciousness in the universe.
  17. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    Sister,if we continue on this path of intolerance , then there will be a day that non-islamic nations that give us aid and shelter will throw us or worse use genocidal methods to deal with us.We already are seeing BNP ,EDL get popular in UK because of the actions of Salafis . Believe me ,sister...
  18. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    There are some pretty good jokes on a vedic god Indra and his horniness. And here's one on krishna: A nun in Warsaw, Poland, filed a case against ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). The case came up in court. The nun remarked that ISKCON was spreading its activities and...
  19. M

    Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

    All muslims are not same.Look at shias,sufis,ahmedis. They are different.If you want to target ,target the sunnis
  20. M

    Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

    You don't live in india so do not jump to conclusions.... Thats funny.A lot of pakistanis on facebook abuse islam and make fun of the hadiths and its verses.
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