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  1. Torpedo

    We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

    Well, the problem here is, Pakistani members try to be advocate and the judge at the same time. When an Indian Muslim is saying that he and his religion are not in trouble at all, then who are you to judge everything? I am not supporting riots or mass murders of any religion. But Pakistani...
  2. Torpedo

    Mumbai Attacks

    Well, 7 countries or 70. It doesn't make much difference NOW. For Pakistan, the damage done is done. Every action from Pakistan will be seen in the light of past incidents. And the light these incidents shade is pretty gray.
  3. Torpedo

    Lets send Taliban to MAQBOZA KASHMIR

  4. Torpedo

    My thoughts on the Lahore attacks

    @ RR I must thank you because you used the word 'possibly' before RAW in your first post. Anyway, I still find your view somewhat biased. Most of the times, the obvious reason is the correct one. But by over stretching the facts we can reach to any conclusion. I think this case is a...
  5. Torpedo

    WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

    Oh yes, and also there was - RAW cannot prove its innocence. :lol:
  6. Torpedo

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    Reasons for which Pakistani members believe that RAW is involved in the attack- 1. India is Pakistan's enemy. 2. India has intelligence agency namely RAW. 3. India is responsible for 1971 partition. 4. BCCI has 80% share in cricket wealth. By doing this, it will become 85%. 5...
  7. Torpedo

    WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

    Reasons for which Pakistani members believe that RAW is involved in the attack- 1. India is Pakistan's enemy. 2. India has intelligence agency namely RAW. 3. India is responsible for 1971 partition. 4. BCCI has 80% share in cricket wealth. By doing this, it will become 85%. 5...
  8. Torpedo

    Lahore 'attackers identified'

    Reasons for which Pakistani members believe that RAW is involved in the attack- 1. India is Pakistan's enemy. 2. India has intelligence agency namely RAW. 3. India is responsible for 1971 partition. 4. BCCI has 80% share in cricket wealth. By doing this, it will become 85%. 5...
  9. Torpedo

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    If you know everything, why don't you go to the investigators and stop them from giving statements? You like it or not, but you have missed the train. You tell me to wait until the 'investigation' starts. So, what EXACTLY are they doing right now? AFTER these official statements, poor...
  10. Torpedo

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    Now this is something I am hearing for the first time. Evidence of innocence? Is that really RAW's responsibility to prove anything??
  11. Torpedo

    Lahore 'attackers identified'

    It looks like many have decided the culprit before giving it a second look. And now, they are striving hard to anyhow turn each finger being raised in the direction they want.
  12. Torpedo

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    ISLAMABAD, March 5: Investigators are zeroing in on the footprints of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), according to preliminary investigations by the Joint Investigation Team probing Tuesday’s attack on Sri Lankan cricketers at Lahore’s Liberty Chowk. Sketchy details of the initial probe...
  13. Torpedo

    Indian LIES Exposed! Indian/ Tamil Tiger attacks AGAINST Pakistan!

    The news I quoted is from the front page of Dawn, todays issue. Now don't tell me Dawn editors are RAW officials. :rofl:
  14. Torpedo

    India Is emerging As A Prime Suspect In Pakistan

    ISLAMABAD, March 5: Investigators are zeroing in on the footprints of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), according to preliminary investigations by the Joint Investigation Team probing Tuesday’s attack on Sri Lankan cricketers at Lahore’s Liberty Chowk. Sketchy details of the initial probe...
  15. Torpedo

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    I just wanted to say - Don't take Indian media seriously. Nobody does that even in India.
  16. Torpedo

    Indian LIES Exposed! Indian/ Tamil Tiger attacks AGAINST Pakistan!

    Another blow on the face for Zaid Hamid. He is again successful in making a fool out of himself. @ Xtremeownage You should be more cautious while choosing whom to believe. Believe in wrong person and you wont need enemy.
  17. Torpedo

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    OMG, I didn't mean that. It was a typing mistake. What I wanted to say is - Sorry for the inconvenience.
  18. Torpedo

    Govt accepts BLUF demands for Solecki’s release

    Don't be that much upset. Pakistan won't have any partition in near future. It is not that the situation in Pakistan is that bad. It just LOOKS bad. And GoP is responsible for this. Pakistan should do some serious work in direction to repair its image. A few winning scenarios for...
  19. Torpedo

    WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

    It was NOT a suicide attack. This is obvious from the total period of attack and the fact that they didn't try to persist. They certainly did it with their security having the priority. If it would have been suicide one, no one could have lived. So, this point fails to support security system...
  20. Torpedo

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    @ HAIDER and Jihad What you say about Indian electronic media (TV news channels, to be specific) is of lowest quality. Not only in Pakistan, these channels are laughing stock in India too. I can assure you that majority of people do not get affected from the 'views' of those channels...
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