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  1. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    How do you know....are you a Pakistani.....I don't think so......even if they did...at least they are doing something useful....which is helping indirectly to a number of other countries.
  2. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Actually I have....I spoke to my local MP.....we both agree that Pakistan has to do more, as terrorists are getting some training from there, so its Pakistan's responsibillity to do so.....but essentially its the UK goverements responsibillity in controlling extremism in its own border. And I...
  3. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    He is entitled to his opinion....however I personally believe that if that is the case then he should go to Pakistan and say it there.,....not lounge about in India and claim such a statement....because for one it is creating a hostile confrontation....that is not needed...when allies are meant...
  4. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Karan Gordon Brown made that statement in 2008..what was Pakistan's reponse since that statement...the recapture of Swat which happened in 2009....the operation in South Waziristan which also happened in 2009.....and the operation in Orakzai.....so Pakistan is doing something my friend....the...
  5. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    The fact that the British goveremnt is using weak policies..is the reason why we are gaining extremism in our country. So Pakistan is not to be blamed for that...because Britain is too inept to solve its own problem. However Pakistan does need to play a role as well...and in my opinion it is...
  6. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    BBC NEWS | UK | 'Airlines terror plot' disrupted Non Britsh Pakistani.....was a student of Abu Hamza BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Timeline: Lockerbie bombing Lockerbie bombing....done by non Pakistan. My point is Karan these are British Citizens...so if they are dangerous...then why does...
  7. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Then it is our fault...you can't blame Pakistan...because we were too inept to do somethings.
  8. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    And what has Pakistan done since then...it has tackled Swat, South Waziristan, Bajaur.....it is doing its duty....thats why the Americans are praising Pakistan. At least it is trying to do something.
  9. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Clearly if you went to a mosque...or these social groups which are held by groups such as al Muhajiroun...you would know that those who attend most are Arabs.
  10. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well like I said most of these people our not educated.....as a result they get picked up by extremist groups......which indoctrinates them in becoming bombers. It's the duty of the UK goverement to solve this not Pakistan......unless UK wants to be a part of Pakistan......which will never...
  11. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Karan its okay.....But I believe I am not getting it mixed up...from my experience...terrorism has got a foot hold into the UK because the goverment did not stop the instigators who were encouraging young British boys to become extremists......these instigators were like Omar....Hamza and many...
  12. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Pakistani Community is British...so as we live there it is the right of the British goverement to educate and help these people...so its logical if the UK align itself with the British Anglo-Pak community. Futhermore these bombers are not Pakistani..they are British maybe of Pakistani...
  13. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    As you are not a muslim...which I gather...you haven't attended any mosques of these hate speches.....I have at a young age....do you know why we have terrorism in the UK........because we allowed leaders like Abu Hamza to run around preaching...instead of stopping him. For years he was...
  14. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    That is your concern not our's....it your citizens.....they are not British..so we have no concern in involving our self with your matters. Go to Pakistan and talk to it directly...why involve us.....we don't have that same political clout that we did 60 or 70 odd years ago.....so David Cameron...
  15. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Yes and I agree he is trying to boost the British economy.....its a very good thing...can't agrue against that....he is doing his duty in which the British public has elected him for. But there is no need to get involved into something....which could cause a threat to Britsh troops in...
  16. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    There was no need for him to say such a thing in India.....the whole point of the visit was to improve economic relation's not to involve our country in to situation, in which we have no power to solve. This I can't dispute...he is doing nothing wrong here, as he is trying to improve the...
  17. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Thankyou Karan, I appreciate the links.
  18. G

    Protester hurls a shoe at Asif Zardari

    Moin91 hahah....what a picture..reminds me of the matrix.
  19. G

    Protester hurls a shoe at Asif Zardari

    muhammed yahya respect is earned...this guy which you call a President brings shame to Pakistan...he has no degree....his affliated with gangsters in which he so proudly boasted on Tv. Furthermore someone is not fit to be President....when its country is calling him for duty. If Imran believes...
  20. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    That is bad aswell......seriously EjazR don't you think that the police training needs a rapid changing of tactics....in India and Pakistan....it is very irresponsible in my opinion.
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