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  1. ghilzai

    Why Pakistan is on the verge of new civil war

    Civil war is need of the hour, we can finish off the wahabi sponsored TTP and then take care of all TTP and Arab lovers in this land. I want to see some bloodshed, I want to see the dominance of Pukhtoons and Baluch in this country.
  2. ghilzai

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    Who are you to say who is and who is not a Pakistani, are you not a razakar pretending to be a pukhtoon?.
  3. ghilzai

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    The mines will ensure that some bones endup in the Afghan scrap market. Enough of these snakes time to take action.
  4. ghilzai

    Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

    Some of the best stuff you can get, an idol worshipping kafir is million times Better then a Semite Muslim sand dweller. Hindu was a figure of speech it could be a Buddhist, an atheist. You want some?, lol.
  5. ghilzai

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    Why are ghilzais confined in their own country by a treaty is that not unnatural ?. Please spare us the Pukhtoon brotherhood bull. Let's first get rid of the unnatural name Afghanistan and go to its original form Of khurasan maybe even khiljistan will be even better. Nothing natural about...
  6. ghilzai

    Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

    Let them bring whatever, love of TTP Wahabis is for Saudia but a common pukhtoon rather love a Hindu then an Arab.
  7. ghilzai

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    Imposed or not imposed, it is what it is now and we are what we are now. We need to fence and mine the border, only several entry points that are well manned and documents to allow the travel between the border. I am against the operation but after the beheadings i am all for it now, saddest...
  8. ghilzai

    Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

    Your forum your rules, true opinion doesn't make you anti state or anti military. We can bury our heads in sand and pretend that it's not true but we all know what the truth is. I love my country but I fear my government and the military, but as I said your forum your rules you can oppress...
  9. ghilzai

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    PAF has been nothing but a disappointment, you will always face disappointments when young minds are not given chance and the positions on top level are occupied hereditary. We been waiting for 3rd squadron for two years and god knows if block 11 will really come in June. Bad and short sighted...
  10. ghilzai

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    Any truth in it?, dumb move should spend the money on thunder but heck dumb paf top brass.
  11. ghilzai

    The Day India Burned

    Good luck who cares, burn baby burn.
  12. ghilzai

    The Day India Burned

    Atleast correct the title, the day British India burned.
  13. ghilzai

    Iran says may send forces into Pak territory

    Dude some may, not all, I am not a Baluch but I know Baluchs better then let's say you as we are one people. I thank the Devine power I am not an Arab, I would be insulted if someone labelled me as an Arab, if I was given a chance to be born a 1000 times I wouldn't wanna be anything but a ghilzai.
  14. ghilzai

    Iran says may send forces into Pak territory

    Since when did a Baluch become an Arab I am puzzled, Baluch has always been a Baluch who belongs to the iranic family yes but Iranian never. @Areesh if I was a Baluch and you categorised me as Arab oh boy would I take offence to that.
  15. ghilzai

    Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

    We have our unique history and civilisation that can't be matched by some sand dwellers. No love for Arabs good or bad they are all traitors and backs stabbers, dishonourable people, it is safer to trust a cobra then an Arab. Like their cousins they are the cursed people, Pakistan should stay...
  16. ghilzai

    Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

    Only some my dear, I was khilji before and I am still a khilji, I will always will be a khilji. Religion has it's número uno spot but that goes out of the window soon as the khilji factor comes in.
  17. ghilzai

    Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

    Well Saudia Arabia is the enemy of all Muslims, we have in our country those who will glorify Arabs as they feel they are the decentdant of Bin Qasim. If Pakistan was created for the Muslims of the subcontinent then Pukhtoons and Baluchs have no place in it. One goal one dream eradication of...
  18. ghilzai

    Pakistan to restore Bhagat Singh's home and school.

    He was native to the region of Punjab so technically not native to Pakistan as in its current form. Simple he committed crimes and was punished, if we go by that logic then let's say Ghaffar is a hero too or behutllah Mehsud ( I despise the pair).
  19. ghilzai

    Iran says may send forces into Pak territory

    Biatches don't understand, iranic or not we follow the star and crescent and blood relation won't matter when ever our land our nation is threatened. Those who say Pakistani army hasn't won any wars, well they don't need to they got us to do it for them. It's hilarious how our previous slaves...
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