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  1. mycutegirl

    Video shows Japanese jets intruding in China’s ADIZ

    China's ADIZ never contians part of Japanese airspace,you should see clearly.
  2. mycutegirl

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    and no one bully you,every nation wants maximize his interests.
  3. mycutegirl

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    do some research,hou you hide nuclear test?
  4. mycutegirl

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    all daydreams and no works make viets become a excellent theoretical ideologist. but i dont despise these fantasies,which let me recall the 90s of china,the chinese miliarty fans enjoyed try best to make a effective idea for letting J-8 against F-22. what the difference betweem is chinese base...
  5. mycutegirl

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    its Unbelievable the NO.3 military country have nothing about nuke.
  6. mycutegirl

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    some despairing vietnamese who are molested by china coast guard in SCS dispute,daydreaming holding nuke,like a crying kid fantasying he master some kind of psychic or became a superman in order to fight back another stronger kid. never mind,lots of people daydreaming especially the weak when...
  7. mycutegirl

    China Economy Forum

    Good news for china and tailand,China need more enterprise go out.
  8. mycutegirl

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Vietnamese's logic is we admint everything if its advantageous for us no matter who said even just a normal Vietnamese in one side,and we deny anything if its disadvantageous for us no matter who give a official promise even from their PM in another side. so we cant blame china govts who censure...
  9. mycutegirl

    South China Sea Forum

    viet developing nuke techs is a good excuse for china,even USA to overthrow the viet's govt with the use of force.
  10. mycutegirl

    South China Sea Forum

    i think its no necessary to talk with guys like you,image there's not a nation china inloved SCS dispute,do you think you,philipin&viet will be peace? we have no patience and interest to talk or explain the SCS sovereign rights. you completely free to distort、slander even abuse china govt or...
  11. mycutegirl

    South China Sea Forum

    1.china nuclear declaration,you can google:China is the first nuclear weapon state to adopt a nuclear no first use (NFU),not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states. about poor or rich,we must admit china still a developing country,US,JAP,even korea can call us the poor,but you...
  12. mycutegirl

    South China Sea Forum

    the Cairo Declaration need jap return diaoyu island and other island to china,do the jap carry out? viet like use international law ?look, is the international law effective? so be a soldier,gaining the territory always depand on a war,not depand on your mouth or a funny law. the Soviet Union...
  13. mycutegirl

    South China Sea Forum

    1,china will never use nuke against such a poor&weak country like yours .because a normal PLAN with full open fire enough to pull down your country. 2,if you think chinese are afraid of sanction,you just need to review Korean War. 3,and if the war between china and viet braek out,tell me...
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