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  1. M

    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    They were perhaps rejected because they are Pakistani not muslims. Have you ever heard India not allowing muslims like Amla from South Africa or some muslim from England? Why are you confusing religion with nationality. You may see yourself as muslims first and Pakistani second but others see...
  2. M

    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    I think you meant effigies on tyres not pyre. They do that a lot.. Smell of burnt rubber.. yuk.
  3. M

    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    If you are taking part in a local (cheap) beauty contest or taking your GF to a park on Valentine's day you should be afraid of Bajrang dal. Otherwise no one cares about them
  4. M

    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    Well these things will never go away. Look at the people from Westboro baptist church in USA. It is hard to stop people from forming groups with their crazy ideologies.
  5. M

    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    The same way some people in an Islamic Pakistan talk about a secular Pakistan, some people in a Secular India talk about... wait.. I do not think anything said by any party was against muslims. Their comments were against Pakistan.(not justifying just pointing out)
  6. M

    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    Its funny how Shiv Sena makes all these statements in front of press but never in front of a rally. If they make these statements in front of common crowd, half of them will just walk out, now wanting to have anything to do with this guy. Half of the remaining half would throw tomatoes and...
  7. M

    Professor Xavier and Magneto from X men reminds me of Gandhi and Jinnah

    Professor Xavier and Magneto from X men reminds me of Gandhi and Jinnah respectively. :chilli:
  8. M

    14th August v/s 15th august

    No one needed to be at two places at the same time. No documents were signed on that day. Instead the "Indian Independence Act" was signed as early as 18th July 1947 and the appointed date was 15th of August. So technically it was an Act which was passed in June, got signed in July and became...
  9. M

    14th August v/s 15th august

    India and Pakistan got their independence at the exact same moment, i.e. 12 am Indian Standard Time. But Pakistan and India has a time difference of 30 mins. So when India got its independence it was 15th August - 12 am in India but 14th August - 11:30 pm in Pakistan.
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