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  1. M

    Any one suffered from Runners Knee?

    There is no one kind of knee cap pain. It can be resulting from injury of any muscle from thighs or calves that are connected to the knee. If the pain is real bad and has been persistent for sometime I would suggest you see a doctor who would suggest best practice that you need to follow...
  2. M

    23 Muslims killed in sectarian attacks in India

    Please stop this troll who is not only abusing a religion but also spreading false information.
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    23 Muslims killed in sectarian attacks in India

    Again how can you say that they are Hindu? They do not identify themselves as hindu. Who are you to say who is a hindu and who is a muslim? It is an individual's right to label their own religion.
  4. M

    23 Muslims killed in sectarian attacks in India

    Great, One sect (read ahmadis) want to identify themselves as belonging to a particular religion, but some people will not accept that. On the other hand one tribe (Bodo people) who maintains a unique religion of their own are being lumped into a religion by the same people just because it suits...
  5. M

    Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

    In the free and anonymous world of internet anyone can say anything, you dont need any right for that. People will laugh at you.. Think that you are a joke, but you have all the right to say whatever you want.
  6. M

    Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

    @The Snow Queen Just out of curiosity do you know how to write in Persian script? If you don't I am sure it would be great for your petition if you lead by example and start to learn yourself and experience how the entire Bangladeshi population will feel when they are made to learn to write in a...
  7. M

    World Bank approves 3 loans for Pakistan worth $1.125 bn

    One year anniversary of the second democratically elected government in a row is coming soon and with it loans and aids from all around the world. Am I the only one who thinks that there is a relation between the loans and aids and a sense of stability in Pakistan?
  8. M

    Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

    Oh the burger generation and their world views. Did you go to a English medium school or a Bangla medium? If English medium (which I am 90% sure is the case), how many Bangla medium schooled people do you know?
  9. M

    Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan"

    "Pakistan Army is in favour of peace" "Pakistan Army believes in strengthening of democracy, supremacy of constitution and rule of law." "We believe in freedom of media and responsible journalism". Sharif said Pakistan Army supports every effort for elimination of terrorism Wow.. I am pretty...
  10. M

    Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

    Lady, with all due respect, do not say this in front of any old person in your country otherwise you may end up getting bitch-slapped (which would be really funny for me). Ancient Bengali scripts, coins and pieces or arts exist and you can just go to google and view them. Do not say stupid...
  11. M

    Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

    People of Bangladesh gave their life to preserve their language, the world language day is celebrated to respect the same and here is this person who by their own admission do not know about the history requesting to change the script of the language, which BTW is not even Devanagiri. Bengali is...
  12. M

    British Comedian John Oliver Describes the Indian Election and Nails It

    The follow up to that when Laden was found in Pakistan and then again when Musharraf came again on the Daily show was also pretty interesting
  13. M

    Man sets himself on fire, hugs Indian politician during television debate

    Why the OP needed to add muslim in the title is beyond me. Back to the topic, it is a sad thing, UP is full of corrupt politician and I would not be surprised if the attacker had some personal grudge against the politician.
  14. M

    Iran fires missile into Pakistan killing terrorists!!!

    There is a huge difference, and it is not the difference between India and Iran. It is the difference between how Pakistanis see Indians and Iranians. The in-charge Pakistanis are more submissive to Iran and the public opinion towards Iranians is mostly positive. On the other hand Indians are...
  15. M

    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    Moon? because it has no atmosphere. Other places? How many planets in habitable zone has human checked for life (not intelligent life but just any form of life). The answer to that is zero, because it is not possible with the current technology.
  16. M

    Global warming is nonsense

    Just live in the 1900s there were all these "experts", funded by corporations, who came forward and said that lead in petrol is not poisoning anyone.
  17. M

    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    What.!!!! Seriously what "perfect conditions" are you talking about? There are forms of life on Earth that could easily survive in the most extreme conditions imaginable, and here we are talking about planets that are in habitable zone with water.
  18. M

    CHINA pays people up to $8,000 for information on their ‘bearded’ Muslim neighbors

    More muslims are killed in Pakistan than in India, the government is systematically targeting muslims in China, while Indian government is blamed for it muslim appeasement policies. And yet people believe that Pakistan is the home for muslims and China are their best friend.
  19. M

    British Comedian John Oliver Describes the Indian Election and Nails It

    John Oliver is a pretty talented guy. I used to love he and Aasif Mandvi were my favorite correspondents on the daily show. Daily show seems like the mine from which many great comedians start their career. Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert and now John Oliver. I wish these guys cover Indian...
  20. M

    Rio 2016: IOC vice-president says preparations are 'worst' ever

    Thank you for your racist comment.
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