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  1. Ozturk10

    Turkish, Afghan, Pakistan Forces Hold Anti-Terror Exercise

    Current Turkish troop numbers in AFghanistan is listed as being 1799 on the NATO website. Link Troop Numbers & Contributions | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force
  2. Ozturk10

    Turkish, Afghan, Pakistan Forces Hold Anti-Terror Exercise

    :tup: Good news. Hope that this cooperation between the 3 coutries continues and expands.
  3. Ozturk10

    The Top Military Powers 20 Years From Now

    My List 1. USA 2. China 3. Russia The top 3 are pretty much undisputed but after this it gets a little hazy. Sure India will feature on the list along with UK, France, Germany etc. I'm not too sure on where Japan should be though, the 1% of GDP military expenditure cap is still poplular...
  4. Ozturk10

    Finmeccanica Seeks Partnership with Turkish Group

    Already Posted. Mods please delete.
  5. Ozturk10

    Turkey, China conduct joint air maneuvers

    From what I can tell Turkey did show interest in joining the KF-X programme but I haven't heard/ read anything since the initial article was posted a few weeks ago. Maybe one our senior turkish posters (Cabatli or Jigs) could give an update. :). Re: Konya Air base: I agree that is a very...
  6. Ozturk10

    Turkey invites Greece to Anatolian Eagle

    Jigs i totally agree with you on this one. Its one thing to start warming relations with greece on the political front but inviting the hellenic airforce into wargames over the central anatolian plains? Not a smart move in my opinion.
  7. Ozturk10

    Turkey and US in critical talks over fate of missile shield plan

    To me this decision seems like a crucial juncture for Turkey. A 'no' vote by Turkey in regards to the missile defense shield could be seen by the west as another step away from western alliances. Any for/against arguments by forum members in regards to this issue?
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