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  1. Anadin

    More Rocket Power ordered for Indian Army

    We have suffered quality control issues within our products from DRDO and the reports of CAG highlight this. Can we expect similar issues from Pinaka? I have a relative working in a senior research position and he praises BEL for having implemented total ISO certifications within their...
  2. Anadin

    Welcome Home, Pervez Musharraf The Great Leader Of Pakistan

    Although I am not familiar with feudal politics , the idea of insulting the political opponent is not alien to Indian low level politcs and is common within the rural areas. However, these party members seem to tow the line of the party overall. Yet in this case it seems you are suggesting that...
  3. Anadin

    India to sign pact with Iran soon to ship goods to Afghanistan

    Sir, As with Iran I believe there will be the development of secondary markets in economically deprived areas. We Indians can exploit these border markets to promote cross border trade within afghanistan but without putting Indian citizens in danger. Iran will continue to seek to counter...
  4. Anadin

    India | How to Make Proxy War Succeed in Baluchistan

    I believe the problem lies in the emotional sentiment attached to the question of the land. We also have similar reactions when asked about Kashmir and are guilty of similar mistakes. We cannot deny reports by organizations such as Amnesty International as these are unbiased, and the same can...
  5. Anadin

    Welcome Home, Pervez Musharraf The Great Leader Of Pakistan

    Sir, I refer to the party Peoples Tehreek Insaaf and All Pakistan Muslim League. According to reports Ive seen on Deutsche W their parties embody a simlar mission statement.
  6. Anadin

    20+ Pakistani Soldiers killed in Suicide attack in North Waziristan.

    Respected Sir, As I am to understand you are a forum leader and hence have better understanding of these subjects. The perception I receive from back home and in my travels and interactions with Europeans is that Pakistan wishes to replace Mullah Omar with Haqqanui for the leadership of the...
  7. Anadin

    Welcome Home, Pervez Musharraf The Great Leader Of Pakistan

    Sir, Why is it that supporters of these Pakistani parties do not get along? As a research student I had the opportunity to review many articles from party members from your respected parties and found their views to be very similar. Respects.
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