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  1. G

    America still has greatest economic potential: Obama

    So how do we develop policies that get silly lawyers like me to throw my financial weight behind your projects? That's the question I'm chasing.
  2. G

    CIA And Pentagon Itching For Pakistan War

    Advocate for the changes in policy you want to see. Don't keep screaming wolf every time something goes wrong, or else no one will listen to you when there actually is some dark conspiracy like the CIA sending terrorists into pakistan. :argh:
  3. G

    America still has greatest economic potential: Obama

    Ah, so you decided to study practical knowledge instead of silly abstract concepts like the law. ... wish someone pointed out how that would be helpful when I was younger. Anyways, I'm sure you have some interest in having conversations w/ people other than engineers - this forum itself is an...
  4. G

    South Asia has the potential to be an economic power by 2025

    The debate about whether the problems exist because of a refusal to share movies/culture is going slowly become irrelevant. What you're doing is linking ideas/expression/speech to bandwith mediums. The U.S. had to deal w/ the problems & free speech all the back in the 70's w/ court cases...
  5. G

    America still has greatest economic potential: Obama

    :usflag: Hey - I liked your post :P - I'm looking for new and unique ways to use America' economic potential t leverage social media and create sustainable change that can help the environment? Would you be interested in carrying on a discussion about this topic? Specifically I'm interested in...
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