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  1. G

    Hypothetical - Ancient Rome vs Han China

    Claims that Roman Empire's population was 60mln people is a claim by biased Europocentrist historians from Europe.....European estimates of Roman Empire's population range between 30mln and 60mln people with 30mln being closer to reality. From military point of view Romans were no match even...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Here you can see what Iran's defense industry was in 2014 and what it has become in 2022 Iran's military industry 2014 (All in One) and Iran's defense industry 2022 (All in One) now let's imagine what it will be in 2030 and beyond....
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    Tucker Carlson: Anger after Fox News host says British civilised India

    Well, India and China were actually richer than England even in 1800s This is per capita income data by economic historian Paul Bairoch Also note that India's per capita income in 1947 was 8% lower than in 1757
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    Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suffered cardiac arrest after being shot in the chest during a speech, and the suspect was arrested

    It is amazing how vulnerable World Leaders can be. For example in Berlin there is an annual "Day Of The Open Doors in the Chancellery" (Tag der offenen Tur in Kanzleramt) when any visitor can come to German Chancellery and personally meet German Chancellor. I have been there twice and met with...
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    Rheinmetall releases Panther KF51 Main Battle Tank

    Unveiling a new tank in time when the era of tanks is coming to an end as recent conflict in Ukraine has shown... In the near future new ATGMs and new suicide drones and loitering munitions will turn tanks into an obsolete piece of metal worth 10mln dollars.
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    New world order since 24 February 2022 Ukraine Crisis

    Taiwan will learn that since USA didn't have the balls to enter the conflict against Russia to protect Ukraine, there is little chance that USA will enter the conflict against China if it invades Taiwan.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    In 2003 Arab parts of Iraq had a population of 20mln and American and British invasion force in March 2003 was 250.000 and Donald Ramsfeld said these forces were not enough. Russia sent 100.000 troops to Chechnya in early 2000s against a guerilla force of 50.000 creating a two to one...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    1) Seems like the era of American hegemony or global dominance that lasted since 1991 officially ended yesterday...There is no longer American hegemon or global policemen anymore. World was multipolar prior to WWII, bipolar during the Cold War, unipolar since 1991 and now again we are moving to...
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    Iran before Khomeini

    1) Penn World Table (PWT) shows historical statistics of 167 countries since 1950. According to Penn World Table: Iran's GDP PPP in 1979 was 227bln$ while population size was 37,2mln people=> GDP PPP per capita in 1979 was 6.100$. for comparison in 2011 (before 2012 oil embargo) Iran's GDP...
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    1) according to Fabian Hintz, Test Stand 4 has a thrust between 164-246 tons 2) according to Uzi Rubin's article "Iran’s winged horse rocket: Another step towards global reach", Sarir is a "a giant three-stage solid-propellant SLV with an estimated take-off weight of almost 160 tons" 3) So we...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Some statistics 1) Progress in Iran Regarding road network--it might depend on quantity of cities in a country. For example Germany and Iran both have 82mln people, but most Germans live in large number of small cities with Germany having 1500 cities with population of 10K or more.....Iranians...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Regarding China, there is a massive speculative bubble in Chinese real estate market. It takes 8-10 years of median household income in US or Europe to buy a home and it takes 30 years of median household income to buy a home in China. Homes are insanely expensive in China (relative to income)...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    1) New IR-9 centrifuge is 50 times more productive than IR-1. If you want to build a nuclear bomb you no longer need thousands of primitive centrifuges in big massive enrichment facilities like Natanz.... You need 3600 primitive IR-1 centrifuges to enrich enough uranium for 1 bomb in 1...
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    French President Macron got slapped by a man

    If anybody wants to slap Angela Merkel they can come to Berlin in August to the annual "Day Of The Open Doors in the Chancellery" (Tag der offenen Tur in Kanzleramt). It takes place every year in August and access is open to public and German Chancellor meets the crowd of visitors I've been...
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    How to DELETE Israel

    You should remember that in 1990 China's level of development was like Afghanistan and today, 30 years later China is a superpower....... This example only goes to show that large developing countries with big populations have huge potential of development in the long run.
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    How to DELETE Israel

    1) Quantity by itself is a quality as Joseph Stalin once said. Israel has reached a peak of its possible development. Egypt on the other hand as a large developing country has a lot of room to grow in the future.....Look, their newly constructed "New Administrative Capital" has more people than...
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    How to DELETE Israel

    Israel will be destroyed this way: Demography is not on Israeli side in the long run: 1) In 2050 Egypt will have 165mln people and assuming its economy will continue growing, it will turn into a massive power. ---To give you the sense of how big Egypt can become in the next 20-30 years---look...
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    Netanyahu era comes to an end; Yesh Atid's leader Yair Lapid forms coalition

    As of 2006 US gave Israel a total of 140bln dollars in 2003 dollars...Now 140bln in 2003 dollars is equivalent to 200bln in 2021 dollars after adjusting for inflation. Then in the period 2006-2021 another 60bln$ was given to Israel by US. So in total US gave Israel 260bln$ Germany paid...
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    Netanyahu era comes to an end; Yesh Atid's leader Yair Lapid forms coalition

    Naftali Bennett: ‘I’ve Killed Lots Of Arabs In My Life And There’s No Problem With That’ A former IDF officer, the right-wing Bennett briefly joined protesters against the decision to release prisoners. According to The Jewish Press, Bennett said, “Terrorists should be killed, not released.”
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    Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

    If you guys make a DNA test it will show that you are ethnically Russians, Ukrainians, Poles---ethnically you dont have any connections to that land unlike the Palestinians. DNA test shows that Palestinians are aboriginals of that land and are descendents of (including) ancient Hebrews who...
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