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  1. G

    Iran's accurate ballistic missiles are defining new ways that wars are fought

    There is an old (2011) assessment made by Center for strategic and budgetary assessments called "Outside-in: Operating from range to defeat Iran’s anti-access and area-denial threats", written by Mark Gunzinger-a retired Air Force Colonel and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for...
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    Iran Experiences Positive Economic Growth without Oil: President

    Economic growth is possible due to INVESTMENTS There are 3 types of investments: 1) domestic investments 2) government made investments 3) foreign investments 1) Domestic investments are made by domestic agents borrowing money from local and from foreign banks. It is normal for a developing...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Today you have that nuclear advantage....that is true. But how about surviving in the long run while being a tiny state surrounded by massive powers? In the end you are a tiny state with 9mln (6mln Jews+3mln Arabs) people.... Egypt will have 150mln people by 2050. Turkey will have 100mln and...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Again Israeli chest inflation...."our tanks and AD systems are the best in the world bla bla bla"-----too bad they are unable to handle Hezbollah How about 6 powerplants in tiny Israel producing 50% of electricity and 5 desalination plants producing 50% of water......... The truth is that even...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    You are believing an outdated myth.....Iran's defense industry inferiority was true some 10 years ago, but this is not the case today 1) Only because someone called Bavar 373 an "Iranian S-300" doesn't mean it is the same as S-300------its radars/missiles are totally different and there is no...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    This is an outdated myth.... Iran builds: advanced medium and long range air defense systems (including 3rd Khordad, 15th Khordad and Bavar 373), Hoveyzeh cruise missile with range of 1350km, Ghadir anti-ship missile with range of 330km, Fakour air-to-air missile with a range of 160km and...
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    Highlights of the latest IAEA report on Iran (June 1, 2020)

    According to Paul Leventhal if Bushehr light water reactor used properly it can produce 250kg of plutonium per year--enough for 30 nuclear bombs. According to this article by Hans Rühle who is a former Head of the Planning Staff in the German Ministry of Defense...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Also take into account that in order to successfully destroy a target 2 missiles per target is required... Infrastructure targets will require multiple missiles For example US launches 2 Tomohawks per single target to guarantee its successful destruction
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Can you write with spacebar please....it is so difficult to read your posts. Some people take number of missiles out of thin air......US is a democracy and in US democracy officials must be accountable to US Congress...lying to Congress is ILLEGAL....and Pentagon is not some guy on the forum...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    People are still playing video games here....."we will target Dimona bla bla bla"....And what if Israel use nuclear weapons against Iranian cities. This is what former head of Israeli intelligence service "Nativ" Yakov Kedmi said in an interview after murder of Qassem Suleimani: "If Hezbollah...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    I,m not interested either.....I,m not the one who generalize between type of war with Hamas and type war with Egypt ( like you do bringing guerilla war in afghanistan as evidence of little utility of airpower) Uzi Rubin,s country example of buying F-35 instead of listening to your advice and...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    2006 war is an example of defensive war in mountaineous terrain...besides airpower and artillery, Israel should have created a concentration of ground troops with 5 to 1 superiority over Hezbollah...this wasn't done...Also Israel was sensitive for losses and decided not to move forward You are...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    I will open you the secret of why Israel preffers F-35 to Jericho. Because in order to win a war, you must defeat enemy's center of gravity----its large ground force...and you can't do that with missiles......As it was said earlier by another member---who will target enemy convoys/supplies/tank...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Still this is not the reason to sacrifice national security and buy F--35 instead of Jericho missiles Not even talking about the fact that out of 3.8bln$----substantial amount of money can be used by Israel at will Also, US Congress is under heavy influence of the Jewish Lobby, so Israel can...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    First regarding Lybia---limited number of airpower was used and Qaddafi had 40.000 army and 600 of his tanks were destroyed from the air together with 400 rocket launchers Anyway So you also deny air power importance.....Many people here post videos of Uzi Rubin... Maybe someone answer me a...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    If you are so "smart" and "educated", and you lecture us about "logic" and "qualitative analysis", and what we are saying is "amateurish gibberish" (despite what we say about airpower is actually a military theory accepted all over the world.....) Then you (who "completed minor intelligence...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    When having a choice between such amateurs like you who claim to "complete minor intelligence study" while still wasting his time in online forums-------and 100 professionals in Stratfor, who know better what they are doing---I side with Stratfor BTW it seems that you are also that kind of...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    You claim George Friedman is for wannabee strategists...However even Erdogan met and talked with Friedman, which shows the level of Stratfor...it seems like it is actually you who "got educated by former and current intelligence analysts" is a true wannabee strategist
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Then you should know more than me about Stratfor and not ask me questions like "where and when did Friedman predict it" Some of their predictions are indeed bold----especially when they try to predict the next 40-50 years. Regarding Turkish economy--short term problems means nothing in the...
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    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    You know nothing about Stratfor... Turkey is a country whose population will hit 100 mln people by 2050 and has a GDP and growing economy that will make it a leading power in the future....it is a potential future hegemon not only in the Caucasus, Black Sea region, Balkans, and East...
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