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  1. Ragnarok connection

    Divine laws are more relevant for modern societies.

    So your argument is that as a few 'true' statements are stated in the Quran, so it is can be inferred that that Islam and the Quran is a fact? That is probably the least logical thing I have heard, or maybe you have a different meaning of Logic in your mind. It sounds like words of an...
  2. Ragnarok connection

    Favourite Bollywood Movie?

    True, most bollywood movies are unbearable, the only one that I found decent was Queen; give it a try! ;)
  3. Ragnarok connection

    Intelligence Agencies got evidence of EX NDS Chief & Indian involvement in Bacha Khan Uni

    I don't know what history you are talking about, but hope you are successful in your future endeavours, doesn't have anything to do with us.
  4. Ragnarok connection

    Intelligence Agencies got evidence of EX NDS Chief & Indian involvement in Bacha Khan Uni

    Sir, if this was done by Afghanistan terrorists, it is between you and Afghanistan, do not drag in India between your conflicts. And, even if India sponsored/financed this attack, good luck proving it. Money btw is exchanged in cash probably through hawala transactions between Dubai or some...
  5. Ragnarok connection

    Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda

    When brainwashed/indoctrinated people attack schools and learned people like you talk nonsense like this, which is no different then the terrorist mindset; it reinforces my position in Nihilism.
  6. Ragnarok connection

    CIA/RAW rebranding TTP as ISIS in Afghanistan

    You guys give way too much 'credit' to RAW.
  7. Ragnarok connection

    Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda

    Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and hope for the best, for families still unaware of their relatives fates. I hope Pakistan will be successful in fighting terrorism at its source.
  8. Ragnarok connection

    Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda

    Their views and beliefs always tend to be counterproductive in the end anyways, it shifts their attention from the root cause of the problem.
  9. Ragnarok connection

    Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda

    What? Indian pigs aren't killing your people, they might be sponsoring/aiding them. Blame your own brainwashed people and their crazy ideologies, and ask your self what is the cause of it? Just blowing up terrorists and hanging/killing them isn't the solution; what are you doing to...
  10. Ragnarok connection

    Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda

    RIP the dead; War? Crazy idea Lol
  11. Ragnarok connection

    A cop from Shopian, J&K flees with AK-47 rifles, he is suspected to have joined militants

    This made me laugh for some reason, Lol. "Gujarat and Muzaffaranagar must be in Russia" Lol, you are good, you must be a funny guy in real life, and I don't say this in a sarcastic way. Say more please!
  12. Ragnarok connection

    Most powerful special forces in the world

    Senseless discussion; Regular infantry soldiers and special forces soldiers are like pieces on a chess board, how they are utilised in war/operations is more important than their actual one versus the other comparison. The right combination of tactics, daring, and most importantly luck is...
  13. Ragnarok connection

    Breaking Agents of RAW arrested from Wahgah Border..!

    I feel bad for the poor Pakistani Hindus they must probably be torturing in the name of "RAW" agents.
  14. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    I hope Modi doesn't turn out to be exactly like Manmohan; a proper retaliation in the coming weeks/months is the necessary.
  15. Ragnarok connection

    Kerala man, who insulted NSG commando Niranjan killed in Pathankot blast, arrested

    This is real intolerance, freedom of speech exists just for namesake in India.
  16. Ragnarok connection

    JF-17 Thunder: Made for the PAF

    Give me a good reason why, and I ll also tell you my grandfathers profession and even further back if required. Nice, a pilot...tnx for the info...You misunderstand my post... I never challenged the authority/experience/knowledge of anyone, I am on your/pilots side on this argument. I myself...
  17. Ragnarok connection

    JF-17 Thunder: Made for the PAF

    LOL, why do you ask fathers profession?I meant no insult to you bro or anyone here, I just believe that this forum is a place for us military enthusiasts to discuss defence topics and not go too deep into scientific proofs.
  18. Ragnarok connection

    JF-17 Thunder: Made for the PAF

    IF you read my post carefully...you would observe that I have not mentioned anything about any particular country, I just said that no science only speculation and discussion on def news; so you reinforce my point.
  19. Ragnarok connection

    JF-17 Thunder: Made for the PAF

    Bro, I ll give you some advice...do not waste your time giving lectures to people here on science and facts, this forum runs on speculation and discussion of news articles. People who are not as learned as you or not as smart as you 'will not' understand your point/argument. It is analagous to...
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