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  1. S

    New US missile can hit Pak, Iran nuclear sites

    But entire pakistan is in range of US, don't forget it.US cannot hunt down hidden Taliban, but it will not be the case for Pakistani Army. And as yr ISI is playing double games with US, i am afraid above scenario can be happen in near future.
  2. S

    New US missile can hit Pak, Iran nuclear sites

    Ha ha ha.... Pakistani missile can hit bases of US in middle-east,But US missiles can not attack Pakistani bases. What a joke....
  3. S

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    But r u concerned about what will happen if US will leave Afgan now? Talibans will take over it. I accept that US should leave Afgan,but in the present circumstances where Afgan is not stable it will harm Afgan.
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