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  1. Bengal Tiger 71

    Dhaka-Beijing defence ties to strengthen

    India What is the number slave of USA?
  2. Bengal Tiger 71

    Indian navy ship arrived in Chittagong on a goodwill visit.

    We know Indians are holding BD govt. legs for arranging goodwill visit, exercise etc.:rofl:
  3. Bengal Tiger 71

    Indian navy ship arrived in Chittagong on a goodwill visit.

    Send a old junk for goodwill visit.:D
  4. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    As a strategic movement with India,Air base of BAF should be Dhaka, Sylhet, Coxbazar, Jessore, Kuakata, Saiyeedpur, Thakurgaon.
  5. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    But BD have to use this sub next 20 years. after 10 years this refurbish sub will be old model in the world. now BD has to think about future. we have limited budget so do not need to waste money for more refurbished sub. two are enough for training. buy one but best.
  6. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

    We need them for pissing.
  7. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

    After modernization of 3 forces hopefully we can extend our land. Rakhaine, Asam, Tripura, Mizoram, West Bengal, Meghaloy, derjeeling will be belongs to BD. & make a friendship road from siliguri to Nepal.
  8. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

    U Indian Thieves are always try to cross the sea border line & looting our hilsha, so it is duty of BD govt. shut ur mouth off for eat our hilsha. if we needed subs for protect our any sea property then why not. Do u know Peeeeee man how many days India could survive a war against China...
  9. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    good to see the news but for coming days yuan class is the most modern sub which will be more effective for long days in bd fleet.
  10. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

    Audience: Mango people:rofl:
  11. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

    if Indian govt. has more faith on her arm forces then why they send their parikar moshai for stop sub purchasing. so our ansar bahini is better than ur all bahini. becoz we never show our concern about any arm procurement of india. but india do always.
  12. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

    Listen Pee man do u know what is god best creation on this earth? i think u will answer Cows. but obviously not,this is mankind. how many u have ding dong class sub for looting our hilsha.when u guys did not get hilsha, just u indians are lick ur saliva.
  13. Bengal Tiger 71

    Why This Indian Neighbour Decided To Buy 2 Submarines From China

    Myanmar is a follower of Bangladesh in arm purchasing.now this is reality.MM air force will have JF 17 & then in BAF fleet have SU 30, J10B.beside within 2030 BD navy will have minimum 4-6 subs.no comparison will remain after 2030 with BD. Tell us what Myanmar did last 3 decades in the world...
  14. Bengal Tiger 71

    Upcoming Frigate of Bangladesh Navy.

    Andian junk !!! it is not daydreaming for us, i know why u said that becoz this is incubus for u guys.have fun & sleep u will discover urself next morning floating in bay of bengal.
  15. Bengal Tiger 71

    Upcoming Frigate of Bangladesh Navy.

    BN needs destroyer around 6000 ton capacity within 2022, it will more effective beside indigenous frigate plan.
  16. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Army

    Chief of the Commander US Pacific Command courtesy meeting with the Army Chief BD Commander US Pacific Command Admiral Harry B. Harris, Chief of the Junior Army, met Governor General Abu Belal Mohammad Shafiul Haq. This meeting was held on Saturday at Army Headquarters in Dhaka Cantonment...
  17. Bengal Tiger 71

    Submarine bases are for the navy.

    BD needs to focus more on special forces. we know 1st para commando battalion are going to form a brigade level.within a decade at least 20,000 member needs in special forces, at least one battalion per division in BD.they will have modern arms with aviation wing, APC, Tank. in case any places...
  18. Bengal Tiger 71

    China offered J-10B fighter jets to BAF

    Bro do u know in coming future which bird we will see in BAF fleet? if u don't know then i have nothing to say u but if u know despite of that u said it then ''LOL''
  19. Bengal Tiger 71

    Breaking News! Bangladesh China signed a contract worth $ 1 billion For BAF

    Bangladesh set a fire lamp under the Indian Bums.:flame:
  20. Bengal Tiger 71

    Obsessive indian push to intrude and control Bangladesh defense forces

    we are very ashamed a country like india is our neighbour.
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