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  1. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ditto I heard the same thing...around 18-24 unit in total
  2. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    @Zero_wing and @Cossack25A1 what is the status of the 2 firgates project....its been more than a year after the shortlist being handed to the consultant.....is there any news about it?
  3. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Oh I understand well enough about the importance of ISR in border/conflict zone But I doesn't mean that the govt should divert armed forces AoR from military related duties into agricultural sector duties This is bad management on the govt part
  4. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    They must be joking right....
  5. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    No for T72B....what for? Indo marine too have different doctrine compare to USMC in which the later spearheading all US Forces far inland in all battlefield If Indo Marine decides to induct MBT then they definitely need major doctrinal shift which they cannot afford, since Marine budget are too...
  6. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    What kind of product madokafc?I'm not aware on any defense products that jointly being develop by Israeli and Azerbeijan other than UAV and artillery system
  7. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    No That is an Adunok RCWS from Belarus
  8. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    In the article is quite clear actually, they offering subs, the andrasta class, and production license for international market The rafale actually reluctant to commit as per article, because Saab promoting gripen aggressively in indonesia
  9. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I think it was great, it was a rare opportunity for both side From laymen perspective, to be this close, especially with the MBT, would be special moment for them, and from TNI perspective, adding few more people who believe in the armed forces modernization won't hurt either
  10. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    I don't think you can do that, GDP alone cannot signify defense budget increase Some of the problem Philippines has to face is that up until now they still have very low tax ratio, I believe is under 15%, which in term of fiscal capability, your government are incapable to generate enough money...
  11. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    AFAIK Indonesia will play its neutrality to the max on SCS issue and always try to find balance between US and China And I do hope China can see this gesture as opportunity and can find a niche that can fostered Indo-China relationship rather than deteriorating it And the leaders of both...
  12. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    I think you got it wrong The 8B is annual defense budget, which basically gone for operational cost, maintenance, military operation and exercise, education and training, administrative, pension fund, some research etc.....the annual defense budget might be used for procuring some basic...
  13. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    The problem in the Philippines is that their defense budget at 2.8B usd are only enough mostly for operational and retirement-pension cost Indonesia on the other hand had much larger defense budget at average 8B usd yearly and 15B usd military modernization fund on top of that for a period of...
  14. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Hi zero_wing Thanks for the reply But I honestly do hope that the Philippines can increase their defense budget more, with the increasing cost of military tech and, the mounting burden of pension and retirement cost, I'm afraid the Philippines simply cannot keep up with the rest of the world...
  15. Dante

    Philippines Defence Forum

    I think it's not a bad thing relying on the US, I'm sure US is more than willing helping the Philippines with fighter and other military hardwares I think the major obstacle for both nation are that the US is no longer able to spend more money to its allies and friend, and the Philippines govt...
  16. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thanks for the reply Ok then you're clear that the procurement plan is for replacing the F5 Tiger II fighter, in which is mission is mainly air superiority The Golden Eagle might be good for light fighter role, but we know the fighter trainer plane are short legged, I honestly hope that KAI can...
  17. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Hi guitar01 Could you elaborate more about the news...thx
  18. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I actually like your idea of 15 fighter squadrons, its the same number that I constantly play in my mind And that are for both the Air Force and Air Defense Command And also good to hear that Boeing is kickin in to the competition with their latest product, I think the MoD had done a quite...
  19. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    That is not the option....as jakartans said the T/A-50 are for the advance trainer squadron Just curious, why you suggesting the Indonesian utilise their current T/A-50 which is operational on advance trainer squadron for other squadron with different mission? The F-5 Tiger II squadron is a...
  20. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I believe they build and finishing 8 ships in the last 12-18 months
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