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  1. l'ingénieur

    USA lies grow more audacious

    The US had done the same thing during world war 1, they came in the last minute and portrayed it as they won it.
  2. l'ingénieur

    Pakistan to dig trench for securing Afghan border

    Short-term solution is heavy military defense; temporary military bases and outposts. Long-term solution is barbed-wire fence with outposts.
  3. l'ingénieur

    Imran Khan and his youth Brigade played major role in arrest of Altaf

    MQM is a joke. It is a huge gang disguised as a political party.
  4. l'ingénieur

    Pak-Afghan Unification

    I don't mind but first all the militants on both sides need to die and the idea of terrorism needs to fade away.
  5. l'ingénieur

    Pakistan to dig trench for securing Afghan border

    Barbed-wire fence, security cameras and a lot of new border outposts (about a hundred). We cannot worry about costs when thousands of Pak-soldiers and civilians are dieing, losing billions of dollars combating terrorism from Afghanistan and Pakistan suffering due to no security.
  6. l'ingénieur

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    I think Iran dislikes every country except Pakistan.
  7. l'ingénieur

    India fuming over Russia lifting its Pakistan arms embargo, what next?

    People arguing on this thread like they control their nation's army
  8. l'ingénieur

    Chinese group to set up smartphone manufacturing industry in Pakistan

    This is good to hear. We need companies to set up in Pakistan. It will create Jobs.
  9. l'ingénieur

    Pakistani tribes claim they will eject 'foreign fighters' from North Waziristan in 15 days

    If this is true then this is great news. This is how it should be; Pakistanis working together. That is the only way we will prosper.
  10. l'ingénieur

    Why don't the Americans attack Russia?

    Putin is a ex KGB trained spy :ph34r:
  11. l'ingénieur

    Gwadar, Military cantonment to be built for improved security needs.

    Gwadar port has so much potential and if done correctly the city of Gwadar can become the New York of Pakistan. Its a shame the people that are holding it back. The people in authority who really do care about Pakistan and not the money should go ahead and massively develop it. Don't ask...
  12. l'ingénieur

    Why don't the Americans attack Russia?

    There won't be a India left let alone a sustainable planet
  13. l'ingénieur

    Pakistan won't be given access to Altaf: British officials

    What MQM followers don't understand is that he is not arrested because of anything related to pakistan or politics. He is arrested based on legitimate law breaking. From the UK police he is considered as a gangster.
  14. l'ingénieur

    South China Sea Forum

    If you don't want your boats to sink and fish peacefully, don't go fishing near the Chinese navy. All your going to do is provoke them.
  15. l'ingénieur

    After Lahore and Rawalpindi Metro Bus Projects extend to Faisalabad and Multan

    First of all we shouldn't be comparing ourselves with India and their metro system. India is way better than Pakistan economically and there is no point hiding it. We should first focus on things are important such as 24/7 electricity and clean water.
  16. l'ingénieur


    This is sad. We do not need nuclear weapons. If anything we need nuclear power plants. Money spent on nuclear weapons and arms can be instead spent on education which will be far more beneficial.
  17. l'ingénieur

    Yemen says 500 al Qaeda militants killed in military campaign

    This is good to hear. 500 terrorists dead in 2 months is a really good number.
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