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  1. hossein9

    Iran's president-elect calls Israel a 'wound'

    In case some people haven't already noticed, a tumor is removed but a wound heals.
  2. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    سهیل. منتظریم :triniti: :butcher: :sniper: :guns: وای به حالت اگر... :hang3::hang3::hang3:
  3. hossein9

    Banned Rafsanjani Blasts Iran's Leadership

    No contradictions. He criticized Ahmadinejad but the foreign news news agencies are making it look like he was blasting Khamenie
  4. hossein9

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    There are benefits when someone brings up an old thread. 3 months ago this guy was saying Hezbollah is switching sides. :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
  5. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    سهیل ایندفعه من هم هستم. ولی سیستم من با دوستان فر&#1602...
  6. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    حاجی منظورت از عالی جناب کیه؟ بچه ی دزفول نیست&#1740...
  7. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    ما دو تا را به مدت 10 روز اخراج کردن . :bounce::whistle: به خاطر انتقا&#1583...
  8. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    From the company website:
  9. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    Don't try to make the UAV more credible by citing Janes. I have highlighted the magical word for you:"claim". Compare the janes specs with the report from Khaleej times: Endurance: J: Claimed 100 hours K: 100 hours Payload: J = 1050 KG K = 2000 KG Ceiling J=8000m ~= 25000feet K = 30000 feet...
  10. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    Goose is the correct translation not swan. :bounce:
  11. hossein9

    2 divisive figures enter Iran's presidential race

    Enjoy this (they say it is tastier when salted): What you just witnessed is "metzitzah b'peh" aka jewish penis sucking ritual after circumcision. Must be delicious. :bad::bad: Apparently two infants have died after being diagnosed with herpes after this ritual: Infant dies after...
  12. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    The ceremony was about the martyrs of the ministry of defense. Unveiling that seemingly mockup was probably a lame last minute decision. The real thing had already been unveiled elsewhere and the next day the footage of the original unveiling and its flight were released by the press (with a...
  13. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    It is good for every country to advance in all aspects of technology, but the specs on that UAE UAV are so unrealistic that I somehow find these easier to believe (no insults intended): :undecided:
  14. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    So you are saying the story was the result of a bad translation from an Israeli news agency? Just remember to think twice the next time you start mocking Iranian news agencies.
  15. hossein9

    Israel shoots down own UAV and brings lame excuse

    IAF drone shot down due to malfunction - Israel News, Ynetnews The Irony: The UAV was apparently shot down because of engine malfunction!!! If it had engine malfunction it would either crash in the sea itself or the controller could have crashed it in the sea. No reason to shoot it down...
  16. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

  17. hossein9

    2 divisive figures enter Iran's presidential race

    You must be really proud that Tzipni Livni a self proclaimed prostitute and murder is your minister of Justice (oh the irony). Now off you go and have fun in the Israeli gay parade! :bad: :bad:
  18. hossein9

    2 divisive figures enter Iran's presidential race

    ANYONE LIBERAL MINDED like the self proclaimed Israeli prostitute Tzipi Livni. Those kind of garbage are not accepted in the government here.
  19. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    :omghaha: :rofl: I are Israel. I has sopisticated UAV. I has fear no! I has UAV. These are your UAV's losers (from 3 days ago): IAF drone shot down due to malfunction - Israel News, Ynetnews --------- The Irony: The UAV was apparently shot down because of engine malfunction!!! If it had...
  20. hossein9

    IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

    It already flew! Check the previous pages. The one in the ceremony was a lame mockup. The one that flew was much nicer.
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