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    Why India Is So Poor?

    Cold hard facts: India GDP per capita (nominal): $1581.6 Pakistan GDP per capita (nominal): $1429.0 Bangladesh GDP per capita (nominal): $1211.7 Source: World bank India GDP per capita (PPP): $6088.6 Pakistan GDP per capita (PPP): $5041.7 Bangladesh GDP per capita (PPP): $3332.8
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    Islamabad nudges UN veto club on Kashmir

    Well, that approach has been tried and failed: spectacularly; and it happened so at a time when there was no insurgency in Pakistan which India could exploit, was a lot weaker, border was not fenced, and no one gave a damn about Islamic terrorism. It has no chance to succeed. The cold truth...
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    Saab just unveiled its attempt to outdo the F-35

    On the contrary, Brexit has made EU stronger, and has presented it with a chance to become a genuine political union. UK was a torjan horse of US in EU to ensure that EU does not become too strong.
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    Islamabad nudges UN veto club on Kashmir

    Let's forget for a moment that India was a much weaker country in 90s (and vulenrable too as Boris Yeltsin's Russia would not have vetoed any anti-India resolution and US was still cold towards India) and still no P-5 country raised its voice in UN on behalf of Kashmir or the fact that India is...
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    Blacks seek to carve their own country with 5 states from USA

    So we will witness rise of another failed country, if Black panthers are able to realize their dreams. Probably Black Panthers should try to impress civilized blacks to move back in da hood with them. My impression about US (personal experience) is that ,everyone including well off blacks...
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    Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

    2. So you contest this claim? OK. Could you then list out dependency of USA on Pakistan? USA did not nagged you much (It only made polite requests, until shitt got real in Osama's case) when it was REALLY dependent on you. Actually it has started badmouthing/nagging you only after its...
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    Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

    US is also behaving like Vietnam and Philippines problem are its own problem. The reason it is doing so is because it get very high retuns for relatively low cost by doing so, not because its core interests are involved there. US does not lose anything if China captures all Islands in SCS...
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    Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

    But their wishlist is general purpose wishlist: Stop cooperating with China; Stop building nukes; stop supporting Taliban type. These are not core interest of USA and your refusal to cooperate would not affect them adversely. If you build more nukes (If you can build nukes in large number...
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    Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

    It is not as simple as that. When US sanctions a country, it also sanction any private or public entity that does not stop trading with sanctioned country. In effect USA's sanctions become global sanctions in effect as nearly every company has business interest in US or with US companies...
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    Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

    The very reason why USA is getting aggressive with/publicly insulting Pak these days is because it only have around 8000 Personals ,most of them in supporting roles, in Afghanistan. It could very easily airlift supplies, if need for same ever arises. You people have lost access card that you...
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    South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

    I have to make this account to ask a simple question. Are you stupid or acting daft?? You are peddling this canard of countries losing their EEZ due this ruling. May I know on how hard you failed in comprehension? Chinese Island are artificial ,where no Chinese national lived before they were...
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