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  1. White Lion

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    The JF-17 the candidate offered by China to replace the Mirages in Argentina Argentina air force Teodofredo Aug 16, 2020, 3:56 PM By Julio Gutiérrez Towards the year 2012, there was the intention to manufacture a supersonic combat aircraft in FAdeA that meets the needs of the Air Force and...
  2. White Lion

    Featured Croatia to drop €1 billion on used Rafale fighter jets

    France traditionally is opportunist they would arm both sides as long as they are getting money. Libya was offered Rafales. https://web.archive.org/web/20130412002250/http://uk.reuters.com/article/2007/01/14/france-aviation-rafale-idUKL1475276120070114
  3. White Lion

    Featured Croatia to drop €1 billion on used Rafale fighter jets

    Raat gaye baat gaye. gade murde ukhadna ka kya faidah.
  4. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Its either reducing weight or increasing thrust. A powerful engine would do the trick along with structural changes you have mentioned.
  5. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    The article also states that Argentinean aircraft manufacturing facilities are far more advance than that of China and Pakistan hence they can develop a much more potent aircraft in the future. So far this is the most detailed article regarding the Argentinean procurement that has at least...
  6. White Lion

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    PN has named Ships and subs on Sahaba AS, great battles, cities and war hero. So it is not difficult to name the MPA's as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_Pakistan_Navy_ships https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maritime_Security_Agency#Current_vessels
  7. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Ohh you are the wanabe Marvel Comic author....
  8. White Lion

    In Memory of Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja & Flt Lt K. Nachiketa

    India always hides their dead and over estimates the kills. In a personal conversation with an Indian friend of mine came to know that there was no place in the country that was not crying over a dead body be it in family, friend or neighbor. Indian Army was ordered to take the tops even if they...
  9. White Lion

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    Fair enough. What about the other proposal regarding PAC and stealth weapons pod?
  10. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Here is a very interesting article from the Argentinian media. Where they are claiming that JF-17 would be manufactured at FAdeA under the name of Pulqui III. This article also claims that minimum of 40 JF-17's would be purchased 14 of the shelf and the rest on TOT built in Argentina. The...
  11. White Lion

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    TBH the name Sea Sultan does not seem to be right choice but lets translate it in Urdu it means King of the Sea or Sea King. So Pakistan Navy has only changed King for Sultan. IMHO the name is not adequate for the role PN MPA. If I (Civilian) was given a choice by PN to name the new MPA it...
  12. White Lion

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Aircraft are designed classically around engine hence engine manufacturers have a larger say hence they tend to force their products and have the last say. Please see how Airbus had problem selling A340 aircraft. Gripen only relied on an US engine as that was licensed produced locally. Even...
  13. White Lion

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    What Pakistan needs is to coproduce ideally start off with smaller projects. please look at Turkey how they have gone on to build their own engine.
  14. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Well Swaziland is also in Africa and spelt with "S". :azn:
  15. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Senegal has practically no firepower, hence they could potentially be a test case for China to procure a foothold in West Africa. Senegal is also not happy with France for some time on the handling of their duel citizens in France. JF-17 could provide the right development if they are able to...
  16. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Its hard to believe. They all tend to state they are Democratic. The issue is based on the side telling their story. From western media none is democratic...Through their own media all are Democracy. Back to the topic The country that is in question is Zimbabwe...As that is the only other...
  17. White Lion

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Egypt does not have problem with Sudan but has problem with Ethiopia over Nile River.
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