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  1. White Lion

    Rawalpindi court temporarily bars Careem from calling its drivers 'captains'

    Unfortunately the Airline Captain and his duties are exactly of that of a Ships Captain. Chicago Convention 1944. Warsaw System / Montreal1999 (consolidation of Warsaw System) and the Pinal Conventions Tokyo Convention 1963 and Montreal Convention 1971 all are based on international Shipping...
  2. White Lion

    10,000 ‘jihadi’ fighters have crossed into Afghanistan from Pak., says Ashraf Ghani

    They should all be deployed at WAKHAN along with latest Air defense missiles and anti aircraft guns. They would shoot down any aircraft flying at 90000Ft.
  3. White Lion

    India’s 2nd Rafale Sqdn Ready; Time To Use ‘Hard Power’ Against China

    The article has forgotten to mention the Tejas Sqd is also ready. With bot both Rafale and Tejas China will be crushed in less than 24 hours.
  4. White Lion

    Afghanistan's Vice President has completely lost his mind

    It would be nice o see an K8 Attack aircraft taking out the Afghan Airforce
  5. White Lion

    Why China Has Deployed J-7 Fighters to Test Taiwan’s Defences

    Brother you need to understand "ADAPT". We as a human are very good at this. We look at what we have and fight accordingly. F-7's are very good for certain roles and PAF is using them in those. At the moment PAF is replacing F-7's by JF-17.
  6. White Lion

    Replacing the F-16: Will Pakistan’s Top Fighter Squadron Transition to Chinese J-10Cs?

    Replacement aircraft is no where in sight. Reason is Mirage 3/5 / F4/ F5 are of the same era and same role GROUND ATTACK. Turkey wanted to replace F-4's with F-35 as their Stealth would make them an ideal SEAD platform. Looking at the next 10-15 years almost all important sites would be under...
  7. White Lion

    Why China Has Deployed J-7 Fighters to Test Taiwan’s Defences

    Thats the Pakistani version
  8. White Lion

    Featured Anatolian Eagle 2021 - JF-17 To Pitch Against Rafale and Vipers

    @Windjammer Please look at this video.
  9. White Lion

    Why the F-16 Is Such a Badass Plane

    Still the SU30 MKI Kill is not mentioned. Air-to-air kills – Air-to-air losses – Losses to ground fire Aircraft which were destroyed on the ground are not included in this analysis, because any plane can get destroyed on the ground no matter how good it or its pilot is. F-16 Falcon 76-1-5...
  10. White Lion

    Why the F-16 Is Such a Badass Plane

    The F-16 Kills against the USSR and The Attack on Iraq's Nuclear Reactor makes it an aircraft that has its own league that even the F-22 can not achieve.
  11. White Lion

    Left over USA items in Afghanistan

    All are in working order but thy require trained staff
  12. White Lion

    Is Pakistan planning to have presence in Kabul airport along with Turkey

    AOA Brother What you are saying is exactly what I was hoping and suggesting till the last 58 hours or so. In the past 5 days things have moved so fast that what ever had been decided in the various agreements between the Afghan Taliban and the concerned parties has sublimated (Solid state to...
  13. White Lion

    Afghan Taliban (IEA) have raised White flags along the Durand Line.

    I fail to understand why Pakistan fails to admit that in 1947 wining independence from the then Super Power Great Britain should also be considered as a victory by Pakistan and hence 3 Super Powers have been defeated.
  14. White Lion

    Featured Anatolian Eagle 2021 - JF-17 To Pitch Against Rafale and Vipers

    Please see this it is only last years news regarding Recruitment of under-18s to British military should end, ministers told https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jun/23/recruitment-of-under-18s-to-british-military-should-end-ministers-told
  15. White Lion

    Pakistan's next ship after Milgem, Type 054AP. Joint Turkish/Pakistan project

    Here are the projects that Pakistan is part of or looking into.
  16. White Lion

    World Exclusive JF-17 and Rafale in Joint Exercise

    Just a question Why JF-17 is not conducting any exercises against the JAS-39. They are formidable force and similar in size and capability?
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