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  1. Type59

    S-400 : A silver bullet for IAF air defence systems?

    F 35 would have been more of a threat. Thankfully Indians wont be able to get system due to S 400 purchase.
  2. Type59

    Biden to end US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

    Pakistan is a small player that has resources only focused on immediate region, India and Afghanistan. Dont hold your breath, no one can replace usa as an ally. Yes started under obama, but Trump did not care about civilian suffering. This emboldened KSA. No comparison between Obama and Trump...
  3. Type59

    Biden to end US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

    Trump was an anomaly, no other US leader will be accommodating to Saudis like he did in Yemen. You had your fun with Trump, now your dealing with savvy foreign policy experts in whitehouse. Mbs will be sacrificed for KSA and US relations. Both nations benefit from close relationship. No other...
  4. Type59

    Biden Promised to Confront China with an 'Alliance of Values.' Europe said No, Thanks

    The Europeans will work with US. It will be good cop, bad cop routine. I feel the current Chinese leadership is less practical and savvy then last few administrations, when it comes to foreign policy. Pdf chinese will naturally disagree. Problem is that Chinese on PDF, feel their immune to...
  5. Type59

    Biden to end US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

    Mbs, is gonna be forced to withdraw from conflict. Humiliation is a near possibility. UAE will lobby Isreal to change US mind.
  6. Type59

    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    Wont be suprised if true. Human beings are capable of that. Even people that consider themselves educated.
  7. Type59

    Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

    China certainly losing "propaganda" war. I hope its propaganda, because the stories coming out by various sources are disturbing. I am inclined to listen because human beings are capable of doing that, sadly.
  8. Type59

    Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

    You missed my point. If CCP is seen negatively around the world then you will have trouble gaining allies. International opinion is important, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Most nations publicly wont criticise China on domestic human rights, but privately that will be a different...
  9. Type59

    Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

    Read my post above yours. Does it sound like cheerleading. Indians are worst Cheerleaders, praise white man, publicly, then scam them behind their back.
  10. Type59

    Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

    Indians ruining thread. Decent discussion until rss Indians jump in and talk drunken shite.
  11. Type59

    Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

    1950s Soviet Union had many people that sympathised with their system in Western Europe and North America. But after crackdowns in Czechslovakia and Hungary, these sympathetic people turned against Soviets. The consequences was that Soviets had less allies in West. Whereas western intelligence...
  12. Type59

    France is arming India to teeth

    That's your response, when modi was in opposition he claimed he would crush Pakistan and be tough on China. What happened?
  13. Type59

    France is arming India to teeth

    Yawn. The chinese are moving into Indian territory and Pakistan is bombarding Indian troops everyday. Modi does not scare us.
  14. Type59

    DRDO SWIFT UCAV detailed design Model released, will eventually transform into DRDO Ghatak UCAV.

    Judging by rear, just a lazy model. No rear engine bay, just completely flat.
  15. Type59

    India must no longer wait for China to change its behaviour

    India wont move against chinese forces because their "weak"? How humanitarian of you. Would it be like a heavyweight boxer (India) vs featherweight (China)? No honour in defeating a weakling.
  16. Type59

    Whats the deal with /r/wallstreetbets and can Pakistani's benefit?

    Hate the mentality people have, which you have. "poor are solely responsible for their plight"
  17. Type59

    Whats the deal with /r/wallstreetbets and can Pakistani's benefit?

    People should avoid believing get rich stories. They have an incentive for you to invest in their chosen stock. I bet suicides related to people losing all their savings inregards to reddit tips will emerge.
  18. Type59

    Israel apologises to UAE for official's Covid 'joke'

    Just a joke. Still I think UAE are soo eager to please Isreal. Iran and UAE trade was high too.
  19. Type59

    China add 191 gigawatt's electricty capacity in 2020, 70% of which is green energy

    Energy efficiency and conservation needs to be focused on too
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