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  1. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    Well after reading some of the post from your fellow pakistanis, I can talk about whatever pleases me to prove your double game that you have been playing for years. Just scroll up and the name callings.
  2. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    Vandaloo isnt a pashto word, yet a desi!
  3. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    We would mind our own affairs if you PAKISTANIS would let us to do so. This is a clear example of your hypocrisy YouTube - Jawedan.Com - Massoud Vs Parvez Musharaf Who was musharaf to champion the rights of Afghan pashtuns? You pakistanis need to mind your business! Dont interfere in Afghan...
  4. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    Then you have stop your pakistani propaganda against the very people of Afghanistan. I asked you a question about your brave young men who put their lives on the line to save your country, which was about bangladesh. Why did your brave army raped and enslaved 3 million bangalis? Why were the...
  5. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    are you pashtun?
  6. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    No thank you. It is better you stick with your vandaloo, and we would hold on to your Kabuli palaw not pilaw. That reminded of of East pakistan erm... so what happened? Did they loose their blood or may i say left behind something else instead?!:cheers:
  7. N

    Baitullah Mehsud dies

    When musharaf struck a peace deal with the taliban, Baitullah Mehsud said at the time that his Jehid will continue in afghanistan but his operations inside pakistani soil will stop. We Afghans wanted you dead at that time when you made that statement.
  8. N

    UN, Britain to evacuate children of staff from Pakistan

    Of course, they would.... pakistan is not a safe country to live in at present time! ermm... Taliban once the best friend of pakistan and now its worst nightmare! how ironic!
  9. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    karzai lived in quetta and if you know quetta is a pashtun city by majority. There is no difference between a pashtun from Quetta and a pashtun from Kandahar or Helmand etc.. ;they all speak pashto with kandari accent as they are all literally the same pple belonging to the same tribe! Pashtun...
  10. N

    Talking to the Taliban

    NOw I hear a lot from my pakistani brothers about taliban, but i would like to add one thing that is "how does your handmade vandaloo taste like? We have been shoving down our throats this 'vandaloo' for many years, so it is time for you guys to taste your own medicine!:smitten:". No hardfeeling...
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