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    Fata reforms dropped from cabinet meeting agenda

    PESHAWAR: The federal government has dropped Fata reforms from its cabinet meeting agenda at the last minute, pouring cold water on expectations and enthusiasm among political activists anticipating a nod to end the colonial-era deprivation of social, political and human rights of millions of...
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    Reality behind anti-Islam mindset in America

    its all about economics and nothing to do with religion -- religion is whipped up to emotionally get people involved.
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    Leadership requires: “Ask not what Pakistan can do for you, but what you can do for Pakistan.”

    no chance of good leadership in Pakistan until the instutions are reformed and regulation improves. Then with time we may reach the level the author wants.
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    Why is Kashmir Day Feb 5, 2017 becomes important?

    Kashmir has died as an issue for pakistanis..now 5 feb only good when it is on a weekday and we can get holiday from work!
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    British MP explains why Kashmir needs to be resolved

    probably right - but how educated are the people in her constituency -- she didn't have to write about it.... so i think we are demeaning her by saying only for her constituents...
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    Modi trying in Kashmir Israeli-style settlements

    Yasin Malik - we are proud of you standing up for the rights of the kashmiri people!
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    Dollar collapses in one week of Trump in office

    It's going to get worse if he takes on china and they sell us assets
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    Pakistan’s arrest of Hafiz Saeed: Was it a wise move at this stage?

    With the JUD now going on protests this is going to be a massive blowback for govt.
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    Why is PEMRA not playing its actual role? Dr Shahid, Amir Liaqat...

    Pemra is a political lackey of govt. have they done anything to geo yet???
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    Pakistan’s arrest of Hafiz Saeed: Was it a wise move at this stage?

    clamping down on terrorists is always good idea -- otherwise today they are your lap dogs tomorrow they are someone elses!
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    What does Russia now want in Afghanistan? Peace or further discord

    very positive move we need Russia to take an interest in this region -- Americans have only brought chaos and radicalisation.
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    Russia appears to now be helping out the Taliban

    western intrepretation -- to make sure that their great game in central asia does not fail!
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    Trump's nod gives Egypt's Gen Sissi the go ahead to launch terror on his people

    the end of Egypt has already happened and with western acquiesces when they removed democratically elected morsi.
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    Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

    this is an extremely important opportunity for pakistan - i hope they do not let it go. untouched
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    Trump's nod gives Egypt's Gen Sissi the go ahead to launch terror on his people

    every autocractic government in the world including russia and china will use this opportunity under counter terrorism to clamp down on genuine dissidence.
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