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  1. Akib Rubaiyat

    Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

    Its just an open minded idea. Kind of like you Indians have at times when you people think that Bangladesh is a park where you can just walk in anytime you want and have a picnic thinking that nothing is going to happen. I see no bad in it. And as per mentioning Indians to not focus on...
  2. Akib Rubaiyat

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Is there any reliable source link to the news of the purchasing of 8 new Hongdu JL-8s? From what I have heard from some Air Force personnels recently- the plans to procure Su-27 right now is out of the question. Government wants to buy a more modern series of aircraft such as the Su-30. But...
  3. Akib Rubaiyat

    Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

    Why on Earth would Bangladesh even have such a dream? What is there in it for us to conquer that part of India? India has its own headache regarding the region. That part itself has enough extremist groups that want to liberate it from India. There is nothing much in it for us. Except that China...
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