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  1. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Poll: What does, Bangladesh think of Pakistan in 2013 ?

    I voted before reading the details. Pl delete my vote if req.
  2. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Have arabs gone stupid or what?

    Along with all the **** they propagated (like wahabism, malsi the elephant etc)
  3. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

    What do you expected to get from the so called 'bilateral ties'??
  4. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

    At least next time you wont mess with a captured Indian. Knowing fully well what you would be getting in response. #Sanaulla
  5. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

    So I wasnt trolling right? It was a genuine observation.
  6. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

    OK what about the red and green shades to the upper left corner? Is it man made?
  7. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

    ^^^ One can clearly make out that it is photoshopped. lol
  8. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

    Pakistan is so lucky to have such a talented visionary and a great leader like Imran khan. I am 400% sure that Imran khan will take pakistan to heights never achieved before, that too in just 90 days. Amin.
  9. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

    What an irony. The same community which was instrumental in creation of pakistan is looked down upon by fellow pakistanis.
  10. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Asma Rahman's grand wedding pictures

    Who is this sheikh chilli?
  11. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Border Clashes Bring Afghans Into Streets

    @BATMAN SIR Arent you the same funny guy who was reciting some islamic verses 100 times on cricket thread, to make sure pakistan won the world cup match against india, the famous left hand of pervez musharraf?? lol. I am a true fan. PS: sorry I am not able to send PMs
  12. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Border Clashes Bring Afghans Into Streets

    ^^^ That time US was against them. This time US is with them. good luck to pakistan!! haha :tup:
  13. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sarabjit was a RAW agent.

    Thank you Madam. Well he deserved State honours as he was a true soldier of the nation. This is how we treat our soldiers. Not like your refusal to even acknowledge and accept dead bodies of your fallen soldiers in Kargil. The disposal of their corpses had to be carried by us, the enemies, evil...
  14. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

    Ahmadis are citizen of pakistan so they absolutely have a right to vote.
  15. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    First Polio Case In Pakistan's Waziristan Since Taliban Ban

    India should make it top mandatory to screen all pakistanis entering our territory on top most priority. We cannot take chances on our decades of laborious efforts to eliminate polio and compulsorily administer at least 1 glass of polio drops to every visting pakistani of whatever agegroup.
  16. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Japanese woman transforms into French doll with 30 surgeries

    @OP, your location as seen in your profile is kind of weird.
  17. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Indian terrorist gets guard of honor & a state funeral.

    LOL... Look who is talkin?? The champion of anti-terrorism and epicenter of global peace :lol:
  18. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Afghan enemies after Pakistan clash

    All afghan nationals be its Taliban, Baghban or Meherban, everyone should unite and fight against exteranal threat to the nation.
  19. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion

    Birather, since you bought that up. Sorry for OT , I am a naturalised Sanatan Dharmi (Hindu). I am just hoping and praying that our islam pasand neighbour get stung by greenest of green strain of culturally imperialistic violent doctrine. Thats why wishing them wahabie future ahead. As part...
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