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  1. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

  2. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I hope it brings about something for the IRIAF in some way. To be honest with you guys the whole idea of IRIAF getting Sukhois has become nothing more than an urban legend to me now lol. Plus the global optics of Iran purchasing mass armaments from Russia at this time (in light of the...
  3. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Wasn't sure where to post this so I decided here I guess China’s defense minister to visit Iran Tehran, IRNA – China’s Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe is going to visit Tehran on Wednesday, heading a high-profile military delegation. The Chinese defense minister will meet Iran’s Minister...
  4. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I was thinking if perhaps Bavar-373 is now being seen as a potent *display* of Iranian LD-AD prowess; as we know (and has been proven) Iranian R&D is exceptionally exponential such that by the time they've finished a project (Bavar-373 in this case) they already have significant improvement...
  5. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Interesting how Bavar-373 was not on display during the parade
  6. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Yep!! His Mother is from Ahvaz. And indeed you are correct sir,
  7. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    People just be saying anything these days huh
  8. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    His Mother is Iranian
  9. N_Al40

    EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

    It has also been suggested that there was an underground facility nearby, so not all 12 missiles were targeted at that compound
  10. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Because though this article references China; Iran and China both use anti-ship ballistic missiles to target US Navy Ships as part of a A2/AD strategy. The very fact that this US Navy officer is implying that they have countermeasures to such systems is important to note for Iran, esp in light...
  11. N_Al40

    IRGC Ballistic Missiles Destroy Naval Targets at 1,800km Distance

    This does not bode well for our recent successes: Top Navy Intel Officer Hopes China Will Keep Dumping Money Into Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles The Navy is strongly hinting that it feels it is well on its way to mitigating the very real threats posed by anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles...
  12. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    This does not bode well for our recent successes: Top Navy Intel Officer Hopes China Will Keep Dumping Money Into Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles The Navy is strongly hinting that it feels it is well on its way to mitigating the very real threats posed by anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles...
  13. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Very interesting, source?
  14. N_Al40

    Iran unveiled indigenous "kowsar" fighter jet with 4th gen avionics

    Source for the 24 figure of Kowsar production and Qaher-313 mass production? Thanks
  15. N_Al40

    The Iran Revolution at 40: From Theocracy to ‘Normality’

    Come, we are ready... https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/PM-Israel-and-Arab-states-advancing-common-interest-of-war-with-Iran-580591
  16. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Come, we are ready... https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/PM-Israel-and-Arab-states-advancing-common-interest-of-war-with-Iran-580591
  17. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Look at the comment @SOHEIL made in the Qaher-313 thread...
  18. N_Al40

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Yes but the users commentary seems to suggest so
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