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  1. H

    ‘Gita my basis for counselling Hindus in U.S. military’

    The wisdom of ancient Indian dharmic texts should be spread to the rest of the world. Especially the people living in darkness of Abrahamic religions should be washed with the light of dharma.
  2. H


    Indians chased away muslims in america
  3. H

    In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

    as I ve always said,, wives bring trouble
  4. H

    War with Isis: Islamic militants have army of 200,000, claims senior Kurdish leader

    hindutva is a a great concept that the entire world must follow. Hinduism is the greatest religion on earth. some of the greatest human philosophies. Not dogmatic like islam
  5. H

    Will 'break' any Chinese construction on Indian territory, indian Home ministerRajnath warns

    bro, take a leaf from Chinese book. they talk less and do more.
  6. H

    In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

    The mother of one of the persons in my street was sick.. I went and said, she is not just your mother but she is a mother of entire street - And he felt happy. Now when this guy is in trouble, I am just saying his wife is not just his wife but wife for entire community.. he will feel happy, no?
  7. H

    In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

    hot chick. even I would like to take her.
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