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  1. silverox

    This is not Ukraine or Sudan - it's Manipur, India.

    Carrying out unarmed resistance in areas blocked by India will only lead to massacres by the Indian Army, only attacks on influential Bharatiya Janata Party officials, such as the fanatical Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yogi Adityanath For the whole world to see
  2. silverox

    America is losing the semiconductor battle to China, Beijing's Micron ban shows that other countries want no part of the US trade war

    Micron uses political means to attack competitors. As early as 30 years ago, Micron used the name of national security to ask members of the US Congress to legislate to ban Japanese semiconductor companies. This kind of political means to suppress competitors is the most unscrupulous used by...
  3. silverox

    The US would sooner see TSMC fabs in Taiwan burn than let China have them

    Our country wants to recover Taiwan, not in order to get TSMC, get, better Can not get, also can accept Of course, our country will punish all hostile forces that attempt to attack TSMC As far as the present development is concerned, the truth can only be within the scope of the cannon...
  4. silverox

    Who hates China’s rise the most: from the “yellow peril” to the “biggest challenger”, Why the Anglo-Saxon despise the Chinese so much?

    China under the rule of the Manchu Qing did undergo a retrogression of civilization. The Manchus were a barbaric and backward nation that had just escaped from the primitive society.
  5. silverox

    China, silent on Imran arrest, backs Pakistan Army as ‘defender of stability’

    The history of the coup in Pakistan, is that the military takes over for a decade, the economy grows, and then the politicians take over for another decade, all kinds of chaos, and then the military takes over, and then the next cycle As a result, China has never meddled in Pakistan's internal...
  6. silverox

    SCMP: Warming South Korea-Japan ties sends chill through China over potential US pivot, analysts say

    Shouldn't it be Japan and South Korea who are worried? They should pray that China and the United States will not have a war, otherwise, the war will be staged on the territory of Japan or South Korea
  7. silverox

    Girl gets her 1st period, bro feels it's affair and kills her

    Do not have a little brother and sister feelings, since childhood life together, even a dog, there will be feelings
  8. silverox

    Chinese shopping app Temu wows US amid TikTok fears

    The Soros Foundation had close ties with China's Economic System Reform Research Institute at that time. During the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989, Bao Tong, the secretary of Chinese leader Zhao Ziyang at that time, was Soros' agent in China. The Institute of Economic System Reform of China...
  9. silverox

    B-21 Bomber can penetrate Chinas most advanced air defense systems: US Senator

    The hypersonic weapon being developed by our country will make the US stealth aircraft meaningless
  10. silverox

    Fucha: China reveals arrest of Taiwan-based publisher on security grounds

    This person is a supporter of Manchukuo, who wants to re-collude with Japan and re-establish Manchukuo. This man is actually a braid slave
  11. silverox

    Chinese shopping app Temu wows US amid TikTok fears

    In the 1980s, the United States sent agents from the Soros Foundation to systematically brainwash famous Chinese professors and indoctrinate them with market economy and free market theories. These famous professors began to advocate neoliberal slogans such as openness and democracy, and...
  12. silverox

    Shein: China fashion giant faces US calls for probe over Uyghur claims

  13. silverox

    China-Pakistan railway ‘worth it’ at estimated US$58 billion: study

    It's pure waste of money, but it's just a project for the officials below to flatter the leaders. Geographically speaking, this railway can't be built at all. The Belt and Road Initiative will fail sooner or later, wasting countless Chinese money
  14. silverox

    In preparation for war with China, the US military will purchase over 12,000+ JASSM stealth cruise missiles and 1,300+ LRASMs and may increase further

    We must build more thermonuclear weapons and missiles, hide them in the mountains, in the deep sea,
  15. silverox

    The No. 1 figure in Ryukyu (Okinawa) is preparing to visit China, and Chinese FM Qin Gang’s reminder is very clear: Ryukyu is not Japan’s territory

    The United States has no right to hand over Ryukyu to its allies without permission. China and the Soviet Union did not sign and agree We are all victors of World War II
  16. silverox

    [DEMOCRACY IN ACTION] Facing China, the Philippines and U.S. Join in Biggest Military Drill Yet

    wow ,Even a poor man can speak English. This is really a western colony 。No wonder Filipinos' Angel city is full of white hybrids, and Filipinos don't think it's a big deal.
  17. silverox

    Chinese coast guard ship blocks Philippines coast guard ship with 3 AP and BBC reporters on board

    My Sikh friends told me that they were not Hindus, that they hated being called Indians and that they wanted an independent Sikh state
  18. silverox

    Pakistani guy tours Xinjiang Kashgar old town and checks out how China ethinically and culturally "genocides" this nicknamed "The Uyghur city"

    In the nomadic lifestyle of Central Asia, alcohol is essential. All nomadic peoples in Central Asia drink alcohol, even though Islam prohibits alcohol. In the nomadic societies of Central Asia, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Azerbaijanis all drink alcohol. And Iranians, Iranians often drink...
  19. silverox

    Pakistani guy tours Xinjiang Kashgar old town and checks out how China ethinically and culturally "genocides" this nicknamed "The Uyghur city"

    Although Uzbeks are Muslims, they eat pork and drink wine Alcohol and pork are banned But the Arabs, and especially the Saudis, mainly because of the local desert climate, are not fit to raise pigs or grow crops. The transformation of Arab social practices into religious imperatives is the...
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