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  1. silverox

    Vietnam's biggest island long held onto a seductive image as the country's 'last paradise.' Then came the clubs, a casino, and a safari.

    Vietnam is a robber. The Vietnamese carried out genocide against Cham Muslims and massacred almost all Champa people. Only a few Champa people fled to China’s Hainan Island. Vietnam has seized the entire Mekong River Delta from Cambodia. The so-called South Vietnam is actually Cambodia’s land.
  2. silverox

    Vietnam's biggest island long held onto a seductive image as the country's 'last paradise.' Then came the clubs, a casino, and a safari.

    This island was snatched by Vietnam from Cambodia. Vietnam genocide the Cham people
  3. silverox

    Do the Taliban Pose a Threat to Stability in Central Asia?

    China's Xinjiang has almost become Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban in the first 15 years of the 21st century. The main reason is that our Han leaders are ignorant of Islam. The Chinese Communist Party officials regard the increasingly extreme behavior of Uyghurs and the Hui as...
  4. silverox

    Featured Pakistan Forced to Buy Priciest LNG Shipments to Avoid Blackouts

    Nuclear power plants or hydropower stations can be built. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s Balochistan Liberation Army terrorist attacks specifically targeted Chinese companies. I saw on Twitter that Balochistan Liberation Army supporters insulted Pakistan, saying that they have no water or...
  5. silverox

    How Dangerous it is to Run an NGO in Karachi?

    Many of the behind-the-scenes funds in the third world countries are NGOs funded by the United States, which are actually the white glove organization of the CIA. The main task is to do the dirty work of the CIA in the third world countries, such as regime change and inciting ethnic hatred and...
  6. silverox

    Mekong-US Partnership: Promoting Poverty, Driving Sinophobic Hostility

    Vietnam is a thief. France took advantage of China’s weak period to snatch our islands and reefs. Vietnam dared to steal our islands and reefs using this as a reason. The Philippines was a thief.Robbed our islands and reefs since 1950。 The two clown nations even dared to launch an offensive...
  7. silverox

    Mekong-US Partnership: Promoting Poverty, Driving Sinophobic Hostility

    Vietnam has occupied most of the islands and reefs of the nansha Islands. Vietnam’s ambition exceeds its actual ability. This arrogant small country is extremely greedy.
  8. silverox

    Taliban spokesman: China to keep embassy in Afghanistan and increase aid

    The real test of the Taliban has just begun. The United States has frozen billions of dollars in Afghanistan’s deposits. According to reports, food aid has stopped, and food reserves can only be maintained for a few months. In the past 20 years, for the sake of war, Afghanistan has produced...
  9. silverox

    Hong Kong's troubles are deeper than even its own leaders realize

    I have always said to Hong Kong people who hate China that if you don't want to be a Chinese, you can go back to your motherland, Britain. Hong Kong has a large group of terrorists with foreign nationalities who specialize in creating confrontation and hatred with China. Creating hatred is the...
  10. silverox

    Mekong-US Partnership: Promoting Poverty, Driving Sinophobic Hostility

    We see the problem more deeply than you small countries. If it weren’t for Vietnam under the command of the American Clinton’s baton, and at the Shangri-La Security Conference, it united the Philippines to attack China, China would not have established four large islands in the nansha Islands...
  11. silverox

    China bans men it sees as 'not masculine enough' from TV

  12. silverox

    China bans men it sees as 'not masculine enough' from TV

    This is because you wronged the Americans. There is a fascination with the sickness of young girls in Japanese culture.
  13. silverox

    Millions of Indians will turn up at Delhi Airport if US offers to settle them in America: Taliban

    I have watched a travel blogger’s video. In a certain city in India, many houses have airplane models on the roofs. Indians say that if someone in this family can successfully immigrate to the United States, they will put an airplane model on the roof . Show off to others
  14. silverox

    China, our ‘great neighbour’, will help Afghanistan forge peace: Taliban

    I suggest that the Chinese government be more flexible in terms of policy. It can offer a reward to ET terrorists, capture one alive for $10,000 and kill one for $5,000.
  15. silverox

    China, our ‘great neighbour’, will help Afghanistan forge peace: Taliban

    The Taliban should take the initiative to report the location and number of ET training camps in Afghanistan. The Taliban should take the initiative to attack ET and eliminate this group of terrorists. Show that the Taliban are sincere in their commitment not to allow terrorism to use...
  16. silverox

    Our forces can be more hostile on China border if needed: outgoing ITBP chief

    Through various Indian media reports, I can draw the following conclusions. The Indian Colonel Bab, who was trying to get a promotion, moved to the Sino-Indian border area to gild his service history. He led the Indian army to unilaterally provoked and took the initiative to attack Chinese...
  17. silverox

    Mukesh Ambani: India in 2047 could be as rich as America and China

    I hope to get more than half of his fortune, so I will be rich
  18. silverox

    India’s 2nd Rafale Sqdn Ready; Time To Use ‘Hard Power’ Against China

    The characteristic of Indians is that they like to brag about themselves. I suggest Indians to be humble, otherwise the result will be different from bragging and it will be embarrassing.
  19. silverox

    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    I hate this kind of comparison the most. There is such a line in Chinese movies in the 1980s. Why not compare with primitive society? The movie at that time criticized this situation of comparing everything with 1949.
  20. silverox

    Pakistan accepts China's version on Xinjiang's Uighurs: PM Imran

    Pakistan should stand firmly on China's side, otherwise, Baluchistan will be named the next genocide. The Indians almost controlled Silicon Valley, and their next step would be to control the news media and Hollywood like the Jews. Indians will slander Pakistan as a genocidal country
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