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  1. silverox

    The US just imported its smallest share of Chinese goods in 17 years — and the big winners are Mexico and Vietnam

    The United States has given every country a position, and the United States has given China a position as a supplier of low-tech consumer goods China will never allow others to control their own destiny
  2. silverox

    Anatolians only have 7% genes from Central Asia, we are "Greek" Muslims

    That's a few hundred dollars, I call on all Turks to test their DNA
  3. silverox

    India Sucks! Don't Ever Come Here

    India is not dirty just now. In a travelogue between China and India written by an Arab businessman 1,000 years ago, he wrote that India is very dirty and dirty everywhere.
  4. silverox

    Xinjiang police detain ethnic Kazakh who sang Quranic recitations at Muslim wedding

    China must severely suppress pan-Turkic terrorists, there is nothing to be sorry for, ISIS established a state in the Middle East, and announced the establishment of a caliphate, after promulgating a map including China's Xinjiang, I even supported ISIS entering Xinjiang and arming Uyghurs, I am...
  5. silverox

    Xinjiang police detain ethnic Kazakh who sang Quranic recitations at Muslim wedding

    Ten years ago, Uyghur terrorists in Xinjiang were extremely daring and openly opposed China's marriage law and forced underage girls to marry. Some Uyghur terrorists claimed to be imams of Islamic scriptures and sodomized boys. Moreover, at that time, many Uyghurs announced their divorce to...
  6. silverox

    China tops list of countries with highest number of prisoners

    The main reason why India has the highest rape case in the world is that the police are corrupt and incompetent, human rights are extremely backward, a large number of Indian women are raped, and rapists are not punished. the This is why India has the largest population in the world, but the...
  7. silverox

    Why Taiwan is ahead of Mainland China in GDP per capita

    India is very similar to Nigeria in West Africa, these two countries are not against colonialism, they just oppose their own country being colonized, they want to colonize other weaker countries, It can be seen from Nigeria's recent attitude towards Niger's coup against the French colonial...
  8. silverox

    28,023 Pakistani students studying in People's Republic of China

    We are getting poorer in China and the people are very unhappy about the huge subsidies for foreign students There is plenty of news that the Chinese are spending billions subsidising foreign students from Belt and Road programmes for leaders' Belt and Road programmes, at a cost of RMB20,000 a...
  9. silverox

    'India doesn't want China....': Ex-Indian Navy Chief Dares Beijing From Taiwan; QUAD Flaunts Firepower

    China need not worry about India, which has no power to challenge China. India is just harassing and throwing tantrums. Look, I have a temper too
  10. silverox

    IAF airlifted over 68,000 Indian soldiers to eastern Ladakh following Galwan Valley clashes in 2020

    中国没有兴趣袭击印度,就算赢了,占领了半个印度,那么多印度人,我们还必须花钱拯救他们。 印度不过是个演员,想吸引美国的注意力,这是一种政治卖淫行为。莫迪政府用故意冒犯得罪中国,吸引美国的爱。冒犯中国不是目的,吸引美国才是目的。 不要忘记了,当时是特朗普发动贸易战的最激烈时刻,而美国媒体在炒作中国实验室制造了病毒。 对印度人的最大的侮辱就是不让印度人占便宜。 以我对印度人的了解,如果印度人冒犯边境。最好的处理办法就是杀掉越境的印度士兵,这样印度人觉得自己已经占了最大的便宜了,已经触及对手反击的底线了。印度人会感到心满意足。 China has no interest in...
  11. silverox

    Xinjiang and the Afghanistan scenario, US design to turn Xinjiang into Afghanistan 2.0

    I personally want Xinjiang to become Afghanistan, and I have long called for the use of the military to solve the Uighur insurgency The CIA and I had different goals, but the results were the same. I wanted to make the Uighurs pay for a century of bloody unrest
  12. silverox

    A new memorial in Taiwan has been unveiled to remember Taiwanese youths who volunteered to help the Japanese war effort during WWII

  13. silverox

    India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

    Ask the administrator to ban this foul-mouthed troll Ask the administrator to ban this foul-mouthed troll Ask the administrator to ban this foul-mouthed troll Ask the administrator to ban this foul-mouthed troll Ask the administrator to ban this foul-mouthed troll Ask the administrator to ban...
  14. silverox

    India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

    Are you the only one who insults people? Curly-haired baboons, don't insult other forum users maliciously
  15. silverox

    India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

    All of China’s strengths are not open, or are not allowed to be opened by the United States. For example, China’s aerospace technology, the United States does not allow China to participate in international exchanges, and also specifically prohibits it by legislation. China’s aerospace...
  16. silverox

    The whole country and Xinjiang province mobilized all available resources to save a little Uyghur farm boy's arm

    The Uyghurs are a savage and wolfish nation without gratitude. They think that they are wolves, and other people, especially Chinese Han people, are sheep. It is a natural law for wolves to eat sheep, and being ruled by a country of sheep is the greatest insult to them. I told those Uyghur...
  17. silverox

    India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

    Hindu Immortalism in the Modi Government is essentially interfering with the economy with administrative orders, which is actually a new variant of the planned economic model of the former Soviet Union. From the point of view of the Indian big bourgeoisie, the Indian domestic market is their...
  18. silverox

    Breaking: US GDP grows 2.4% in Q2; overall GDP near $27T

    The debt of the United States, which Americans never intended to pay back to the countries that bought it, is not debt in the usual sense, but an investment in the United States.
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