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  1. silverox

    An increasing number of Taiwanese people want independence

    I just point out the facts of today's world. The United States, its Anglo Saxon brothers and Jewish housekeepers occupy the top of the food chain pyramid, and Germany, Japan, France and Western European countries occupy the second layer of the food chain. South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and...
  2. silverox

    Islamabad The Luxury Car Capital !

    i have a vw car, My dream is to buy a Ford Mustang. I like American design best
  3. silverox

    base the video, My opinion on the death of Indian general rawat

    As can be seen from the video, the weather conditions at that time did not allow helicopters to fly, and the fog was very thick. The Indian general used his power to force the helicopter pilot to fly the plane. He also used his privilege to let his wife ride the helicopter. It can be seen from...
  4. silverox

    China brands US democracy 'weapon of mass destruction'

    American style struggle democracy is a real weapon of mass destruction. This kind of struggle democracy is only suitable for the United States, it is exceptional and unique in the United States. I wonder why the American exceptionalism advocated by the United States does not include the American...
  5. silverox

    An increasing number of Taiwanese people want independence

    China should learn from the way the United States maintains unity. The Americans set fire to Atlanta, killed many people with separatist ideas, and made separatism lose the conditions for its existence in the United States. The reason why the United States is now the United States is not based...
  6. silverox

    Indian-Origin Student Expelled From UK University For Stalking

    Indeed, in Indian movies, handsome male protagonists follow female protagonists, and them danceing If you put yourself into a girl, imagine yourself being followed by an ugly man, what a horrible scene This is a nightmare
  7. silverox

    China is now lowkey being blamed for the death of Bipin Rawat

    From this trivia, South Asians should understand the pain of China. Indian elites have delusions of persecution and always fantasize about being persecuted by us. How can China be the enemy of such a stupid country that is so psychologically damaging to us
  8. silverox

    CDS Bipin Rawat: I want to make Tibet a buffer country between China and India

    I often tell Indians that if India abandons the tribal areas that the British occupy, such as Manipur, Assam, and the independent country that India has illegally annexed Sikkim, and allows these so-called northeast regions to regain their independence, India will get a lot of buffers country...
  9. silverox

    Defence industry of Pakistan Must Build Commercial Vehicles & Products.

    Both South and Southeast Asia auto markets are controlled by Japanese companies
  10. silverox

    The wave of immigration from Hong Kong is great for Britain

    This is a win-win method. Britain gets loyal servants and money. We get a city with fewer cockroaches. We Chinese will completely turn this city into our own land.
  11. silverox

    Why is Pakistan not developing like many countries

    There is a blog post written by a Chinese, saying that he was in a car in Pakistan one night. The Pakistani driver said he was driving on the land of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. When he woke up after sleeping in the car, it was dawn, and the Pakistani driver said that now It is still driving...
  12. silverox

    Human Rights Watch: In Afghanistan, Taliban Killing, Disappearing Former Police and Intelligence Officers

    Human Rights Watch It is a white glove organization manipulated by the CIA, which specializes in previous CIA espionage activities, inciting social instability in the target country, inciting hatred and estrangement between the government and the people, demonizing the target country, and...
  13. silverox

    The new war epic film is a masterpiece ''The battle at lake Changjin''

    M has a special killing target. He said that 5% of the people are hidden enemies. Therefore, the whole country has designated enemies for this killing target, and many people have been killed. M is the Qin Shihuang of modern society, and M himself likes to be called Qin Shihuang. Qin Shihuang...
  14. silverox

    The war between USA and China can be avoided, but the war between India and China is inevitable

    I’m not interested in fighting with India. Even if China won, it won’t benefit. We just have tens of millions of ethnic minority grandfathers to support.
  15. silverox

    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    Uighurs are supposed to live in their old houses, what's wrong with that?If the government demolished the squalid mud houses and rebuilt them, Uighur separatists and opinion leaders like MEMBERS of Congress, as well as various human rights groups, would call it genocide, or at least cultural...
  16. silverox

    Chinese tennis star accuses former top Communist Party leader of sexual assault, triggering blanket censorship

    Proud raping superpowers try to bring China down to the level of India
  17. silverox

    Textile Industries of Pakistan

    It is right to vigorously develop the textile industry. The industrial revolution in Britain and the economic development of Asia all started with the development of the textile industry.
  18. silverox

    The new war epic film is a masterpiece ''The battle at lake Changjin''

    You are wrong, Wu Jing is not the reason. After China improved its relations with the United States, there has been almost no Korean War movie in 40 years. As Americans become more and more hysterical, the domestic contradictions in the United States allow the United States to transfer internal...
  19. silverox

    The new war epic film is a masterpiece ''The battle at lake Changjin''

    This is a terrible movie. It doesn't conform to the real history and has a lot of mistakes. Hong Kong action film directors are only suitable for shooting street gun battles with a dozen people. The war movies they shoot are very stupid.
  20. silverox

    China and Bhutan reach deal on Himalayan border talks ‘in test for India’

    You are right. The civilization of India is deeply rooted in the caste system. However, there has been no aristocracy in Chinese history. We have formed an equal civilian culture. If the beggar succeeds in rebelling, he can also become an emperor. This has caused China's biggest misunderstanding...
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