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    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    check wikipedia for 1967 chola incident, 1971 Indo-pak war, kargil war, just to mention a few and you will change your mind about India not having balls to do anything.

    Manufacturing 'terrorists' the Indian way

    LOL. Indian law enforcers do that because they do not want to increase the workload of American drones and soldiers as they are already working overtime in pakistan. It is in our strategic interest to ensure that the Americans do not get exhausted.:rofl::rofl::rofl: And those Indians are...

    Manufacturing 'terrorists' the Indian way

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ALL THE BEST :lol: I am sure you will complete your quota. I have full faith in your abilities. Don't worry you won't be fired from your job. By the way I have an idea. let's steal a couple of brahmos cruise missiles from the army and launch them on the...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    Hi there, I read your post but would like to mention that i do not agree with the last part. Indian military sets high standards for weapons in terms of quality and technology which should be met if a weapon system is to be inducted. Also note that in case of a war there are several important...

    China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

    stapled visa for the whole of china, tibet and taiwan would be the best idea:victory::victory: :yahoo::yahoo: A defence relationship with Taiwan would be great too

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    LOL. This is 2011 and not 1970-71. Since then a lot of things have changed. True that pakistan had and continues to have a close relationship with the US but so does India. Now the US regards India as a strategic partner. Agree that the US had sent a battlegroup in the 1970's war to...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    @Aerospace Engineer. As far as the question of china attacking Taiwan is concerned, US has made it clear some time back that it will defend Taiwan at all costs in case of an armed attack on Taiwan. Do you think china is in a position to take on the US in a direct war? And India attacking...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    Man you are very funny. Do you think that we are not aware of your "genius" plan? why do you think the Indian military is preparing for a two front war? India is very important to both, the US and Russia, do you think they are going to keep quiet? Especially the US? why do you think the US is...

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    Eagerly waiting for your predictions to come true O WISE AND ALL-KNOWING HONGWU. :rofl::rofl::rofl: sorry to burst your bubble but i don't think such a thing is likely to happen as the economies of both the countries would be severely affected. By the way the US is pissed off with your...
  10. AGHORI

    Eurofighter ahead in IAF deal set to pip $10bn deal

    May be in your wildest dreams:D
  11. AGHORI

    Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

    They are also frustrated. They know that India is militarily and economically strong and it's strength is increasing. There is nothing they can do about it. Repeat of 1962 is not possible and no significant progress has taken place on border talks. US-India military relations are an eyesore to...
  12. AGHORI

    Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

    i think you are referring to the chola incident, a sino-indian skirmish that took place in 1967, aren't you?
  13. AGHORI

    Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: liked it
  14. AGHORI

    Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

    No gpit that's not true. In reality the hindu caste system was based on duties rather than birth. if a person performed the duties of a brahmin then he was regarded as a brahmin, likewise a kshatriya, vaisya and shudra. But ovetime some brahmins distorted the truth and propagated the false...
  15. AGHORI

    Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

    sure we can, we could use this opportunity to obtain more sophisticated weapons from the US and also to gang-up against china :agree:
  16. AGHORI

    Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

    That would be a dangerous thing to do because for such people the Indian army arranges a meeting with God:lol:
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