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  1. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-400-class_submarine Japanese carrier submarine. it's a crazy idea and nowadays with long range cruise missiles it's obsolete. but think for a minute, it was able to carry 3 dive bombers. instead of that cargo weight, it could carry 12 shahed-285. lol imagine...
  2. Mithridates

    Just a Nice Pic....

    IRIAF F-14s flying alongside Russian knights acrobatic team:
  3. Mithridates

    Iran missile power

    lets not derail the thread...
  4. Mithridates

    Iran Moves 35 Years Ahead by Reverse Engineering US RQ-170

    it's hilarious how things turned in several year.
  5. Mithridates

    Iran Moves 35 Years Ahead by Reverse Engineering US RQ-170

    lol i fund an amazing old thread. hopefully one day i will do this to older qaher f-313 threads. and BTW: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/13/panetta-says-drone-campaign-will-continue/ just nine year ago US was saying we will operate our drones inside Iran...those days we did lack a...
  6. Mithridates

    Huge explosion in Turkey, at least 100 injured

    allah rahmat elasin.
  7. Mithridates

    Arabic media: Israeli cyberattack struck Natanz nuclear facility

    actually they said the same this time too, israel did a cyber attack on natanz enriching facility and F-35 bombed parchin defense facilities. :D:D
  8. Mithridates

    Iran missile power

    the thread is being hijacked and derailed from it's purpose.
  9. Mithridates

    Iran missile power

    interesting calculations, care to explain in detail??
  10. Mithridates

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    thank you bro, very informative.
  11. Mithridates

    BREAKING : U.S. Seeks to Seize Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela

    as i can remember every single tanker has it's own naval commando units, even if they try to seize the ships there will be confrontation and possibly causalities. that means declaration of war. however it's just a rhetoric nothing will happen, just like the last time.
  12. Mithridates

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Egypt possibly can add an IR sensor to it's sparrows and make them active homing missiles.
  13. Mithridates

    [Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

    interesting, the name is turkic.
  14. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    in bande khoda ro hamvatan haye khodesh jedish nemigiran...
  15. Mithridates

    Turkish Armed Forces Missile Power / deterrent and unstoppable

    "even the US" u said it like US is a technologically backward country. lol
  16. Mithridates

    T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

    wow Russian one is hopeless. that is the difference of an AESA and mechanically steered radar.
  17. Mithridates

    Egypt’s MiG-29M vs. Turkey’s F-16C: Which Fighter Would Prevail in a Clash Over Libya?

    just an small note, F-16 can't detect unarmed rafale until it's 30 km away. i do not know how big an armed rafale RCS would be but if we assume it's 1 m^2, the tracking range would be near 60 km... for rafale (tracking range of 115 km for 2.75 m^2) radar, F-16 (C version which is 1 m^2) will...
  18. Mithridates

    Turkish Engine Programs

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_T73 P&W T-73 is a good example of the fact that output thrust of a turbojet engine is way lower than of it's turbo shaft derivatives output power. the engine is literally a turbojet with additional free running stage.
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