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  1. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Hi What you wrote is very close to what have written on quite extensively. If not, then pse let me know so that I can send the URL to you. P.
  2. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Sorry about the double original message. Yes knowing the classical work done on Fakour-90... The Iranians have endured through arms embargo's but still managed to contribute to the VLR AAM knowledge pool by upgrading the original AIM-54's, producing Fakour 90's and ultimately the 90B. There...
  3. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Concur IFAIK. What's possibly hiding from public view at the moment is of course similarly unknown. Its seems all the Defense Commemorative days In Iran have passed. Was hoping the such a system (airborne), would have been unveiled at (such) a grand event. Well back to the waiting game. P
  4. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    F-4E/D -> Dowran -> Fakour. Good thought, sadly the physics were just not on. Smaller LR-BVR missile like Meteor/PL-15. Been hoping to see this like forever. Closest that I saw of this was the 'Red' AIM-7E2 revealed last year. My initial skepticism was however put on the back burner when I saw...
  5. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thanks for the post. Good stuff. The tracking range (140km) is very near to what I also thought (~150 km), to accommodate LR BVR missiles. I estimated that a detection range equal to or less than 200km should suffice. An AESA FCR is just about mandatory considering what the probable...
  6. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Do you have any info on what this homemade airborne radar is. Thanks
  7. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you for the pics. The Fater-1 & 2 image was exactly what I was looking for.
  8. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Found it. That is the elusive pic of two side by side Iranian WVR AAMs. I just need to work out how to copy and paste the image here as I don't have the link.
  9. P

    Iran unveiled Khaybar (forth generation khorramshahr) ballistic missile

    Uploaded to https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9wc4kgv5tti4l4qmkpfzd/h?dl=0&rlkey=8urg8kphpzzezjjgguijgxjyg It is posted as I have pasted the latest iteration of my above note paper to: Under IRI FCA2 Parts 1 -5.
  10. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you for the info.
  11. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you. I have some pics of one-off Iranian WVR AAMs. Saw it once and not again. Remembered these and therefore did not assign a - number to the CCD capable Azaraksh. I think my thought at the time was, rather let it slip than assigning an incorrect - number to it. I will certainly try and...
  12. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Darn. Sorry, here is the URL: IRI FCA https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9wc4kgv5tti4l4qmkpfzd/h?dl=0&rlkey=8urg8kphpzzezjjgguijgxjyg
  13. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Sure The first time that I uploaded this paper must have been last year some time, to secretprojects.co.uk. Since then it has gone through various iterations as additional nuggets emerged. The last one I posted to my drop-box was on 3/5/2023.
  14. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Sir I have followed your posts with interest. In this instance I regard this as a welcome back. You have in particular posted two items regarding Kowsar an the F-14. Insightful. I have completed a paper that I regard as the IRIAFs' future bread and butter combat a/c paper. I have tried to...
  15. P

    Iran unveiled Khaybar (forth generation khorramshahr) ballistic missile

    I regard Mobin as being the 'Silent killer'. I mean this in the tactical sense. An air-launched hypersonic missile would not not be targeted at tactical, targets, but rather strategic (,,, static) HVT's. Call it 'Bolt of Lighting". Su-35 & 30's. This would exclude F-14's, that would that...
  16. P

    Iran unveiled Khaybar (forth generation khorramshahr) ballistic missile

    Very insightful post. Especially regarding the claims and counter claims by the Ukraine and Russia about Kinzhal. And to this end pertaining to the F-14 Discovered this at https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kinzhal-iriaf-f-14.41575/#post-599657 very recently, like yesterday. Piet
  17. P

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Strongly agree.
  18. P

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    A nice warhead display... https://www.vecernji.hr/media/img/61/4c/2e87b43a300baea51584.jpeg A nicer warhead display... Moral of the story: Its not if, but when
  19. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    The above tallies what I have surmised also, barring a few differences. - No auto cannon (the Vietnam war has shown this to be an error in judgement - there is a photo-shopped image of Kowsar showing a single barrel cannon dropped to the lower cheek, port side). New nose for larger radar...
  20. P

    Iranian Nuclear Doctrine

    Yes sir Interesting note, and probably right on ... Do not however except confirmation of any of this before 3023 Regarding the SA connection. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.... This s a subject still worthy of careful dissection ,,, especially If U R local. Consider BTW ...
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