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  1. H

    China may have cracked the code to track US submarines

    The area in question is the yellow sea lol. Do you know the difference between the yellow sea and the taiwan straits ? Maybe open a map ? Or maybe Godzilla sank it That way they can shift the blame to Japan !
  2. H

    China may have cracked the code to track US submarines

    But those greiving families definitely need it I just hope that your govt wont hide any casualties
  3. H

    China may have cracked the code to track US submarines

    Any updates regarding the accident which occured in yellow sea ? It was fake news. How can arihant which has a double hull design have a hatch in the propulsion chamber ? My condolences to the brave chinese sailors who went down with the boat
  4. H

    Breaking: A Chinese Navy Type-093 Shang Class submarine has suffered a serious accident in the Yellow Sea

    RIP to the chinese sailors. Cant imagime the pain which the families must be going through. Hopefully there won't be any coverups by the Chinese government
  5. H

    Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

    But we all know the answer, don't we ?
  6. H

    Economy growing but trade-GDP ratio falling gradually

    Yasss...I have always been saying that Kanglalaldesh is a superpower but no one ever believed me saar
  7. H

    IAF airlifted over 68,000 Indian soldiers to eastern Ladakh following Galwan Valley clashes in 2020

    The problem with PSUs is that govt employees are lethargic because they know that their salary will be given to them regardless of their performance.
  8. H

    India's GDP swells to $3.75 trillion as it topples other biggies

    Bro , 75 times of 125 million is 9.375 Billion. The population of entire world is 8 Billion. How old are you ?
  9. H

    Survey finds Indians softest on China among Quad countries

    So you accept that personal choice amd human rights are not respected in china. Good There are many tibetans in McLeod Ganj. some of them defected in the mid 2000s and late 90s
  10. H

    Survey finds Indians softest on China among Quad countries

    uyghurs , Falun Gong and tibetans would disagree Accquired softness from 2021
  11. H

    Azerbaijani sources claim Indian-made military equipment was transferred to Armenia through Iran

    Contract was signed in 2020 just a few weeks before the start of the war and delivery started a few months after the end of the war. If you have a doubt about the system. Then just ask a few pakistani battery commanders who became victims of indian counter battery fire
  12. H

    Indian army eyes soaring Kashmir bridge billed as 'game changer'

    Bro don't waste your time in arguing with this idiot. He's living on degenerate braincells. Any nation which can place 104 satellites in the orbit with a single rocket can easily make an MIRV capable missile. We don't want war , but we are more than capable of fighting one and coming out in...
  13. H

    Azerbaijani sources claim Indian-made military equipment was transferred to Armenia through Iran

    Armenia didn't even have any indian equipment in 2020 lol
  14. H

    US Marines Activate First Tomahawk Battery

    I thought you lived in bangladesh ?
  15. H

    Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

    what tech comes from china ? Manufacturing ? Yeah , but innovation , no !
  16. H

    Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

    No thanks, we're fine doing R&D ourselves, cant rely on Xinnie the pooh or Uncle Sam. Both are evil regimes. Maybe take care of uyghurs and falun gong practioners first ?
  17. H

    India rejects BYD's $1 billion factory proposal, Economic Times reports

    Dont worry , chinese EVs are not popular in india.
  18. H

    India rejects BYD's $1 billion factory proposal, Economic Times reports

    CCP wasn't even recognised as a legitimate party until 1971 lol ! India's biggest mistake was to become the first non-socialist bloc country to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1950 when other countries didn't even know what CCP was lol !
  19. H

    Talwar class 🇮🇳 vs Tughril class 🇵🇰 or Type 054AP: Sub-Continent Frigate Faceoff

    A typical uneducated response. Maybe you're having comprehension issues. Krivak III was the ship used by soviet Navy and later the Russians, on the other hand Talwar Class is a redesigned and stealthier ship which was based on Krivak III but has totally different propulsion and weapon systems...
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