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  1. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Meanwhile 90% of your countrymen can't buy atta chawal while you're buying Indian made/assembled Iphones. You just successfully contributed to the indian economy while $hitting on your own countrymen like every other pakistani elite
  2. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Another retard, read your article again, nowhere does it say that india has 57% of its people in poverty. It says that 57% of the population getting access to subsidised food ration , if anything at all this just reflects the success of india's Public Distribution system while 90% of Pakistan is...
  3. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Not even a source. Its an opinion piece. Give me data. Looking at the writer's history one can't even believe him
  4. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    What else can you expect from a faujeet !
  5. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Were you taught how to interpret graphical data at your school ? Try again Faujeet. Source needed Not even a single source shared till now, pulling up BS from your arse.
  6. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    If we can lift 415 million people out of poverty in 15 years then surely we can do that can't we ? https://m.timesofindia.com/india/415-million-people-exited-poverty-in-india-in-15-years-un-report/amp_articleshow/101678289.cms That's what you literally wrote in your post " 100 million people...
  7. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Pulls up a 11 year old source and calls himself credible. Typical Faujeet 🤣
  8. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    But where are the sources ? Not a fan of bangladesh but if I were to choose between Pak and BD it would have definitely been swampland
  9. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    We have our own problems with the rohingyas and millions of Bangladeshi and Nepali migrants but we're still way better off than your blackhole of a nation Nothing generous. It just shows the quality of the education you've been recieving
  10. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Work on your maths too. 80% of 1.4 billion is 1.12 billion, not 800 million What's the source of your data ? reality paints a different picture https://worldpoverty.io/headline Great so Pakistani Generals are doing consultancy to earn money ? Is that how they're giving you your pocket money ?
  11. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Compare the data for india and Pak. Your're even worse than afghanistan, let alone sub saharan africa https://worldpoverty.io/headline
  12. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    Lol, no offical sources ? The radars were not even delivered during the war. Your claims are laughable. Bring up the sources. Talking like an agent of the Pakistani Generals india has made it clear that it will not involve itself in the war materially 80% ? Where did you pull up the stars...
  13. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    So you"re talling me that china of 2003 was a rich superpower with no poverty ? That claim is just as laughable as your claim of pakistan being a nation with dignity. A beggar from Sylhet has more dignity than your entire nation right now
  14. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    We have the money to do it along with the brains, something which you will never have even in the wettest of your dreams. 415 million people got out of poverty in the last 17 years. That's twice the population of your entire country. What has Pakistan achieved even after not spending on space...
  15. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    What dignity does pakistan have In the current scenario. Don't make a joke out of yourself bro, your country and it's resources are up for sale in the market, pakistan is literally on it's knees economically, politically and intellectually. Your generals are holding your dignity by the neck...
  16. H

    How Long Till I Get Food Poisoning in India? (not long)

    Bruh , the entire world knows what china eats. Most indians are happy to be vegetarians
  17. H

    'India, US and China will lead the New World Order': President of World Economic Forum predicts the emergence of India as a global power

    I pray that Modi stays in office for atleast one more term. Looking at how ineffective the opposition is I certianly don't want them to come to power. They'll take us back to the dark ages with all their freebies and appeasement schemes. This decade needs to be given to the BJP despite their...
  18. H

    How Long Till I Get Food Poisoning in India? (not long)

    C'mon ! Everyone loves butter chicken and Naan with Basmati Rice , Indian Food is much more flavourful than chinese food Goes on to show a video of indonesians eating bats ..... I really don't know what to say. Ideally , Hindus are expected to be Vegetarian. Maybe a few tribes in the north...
  19. H

    How Long Till I Get Food Poisoning in India? (not long)

    Bat soup poisoning is even more dangerous
  20. H

    $255M for Akash SAMs: Armenia Signs Another Arms Deal with India

    Cheers mate, the best to y'all. We indians still have a lot of catching up to do as well but we're getting there steadily.
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