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  1. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    It is clear that Iran is keeping secrets and will reveal some in the future, but I can't wait for them to bring us fighter jets that they never showed us. It will shake a few people here who think that Iran is not very advanced in the fighter planes
  2. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    150 km as worn is incredible and a major asset for Iran.
  3. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    There will be a lot of scuba diving in the next few weeks to recover many parts of the boat
  4. Mr Iran Eye

    Featured Largest Iranian Navy ship sinks after mysterious fire

    False false false !!! In 1988 it was Iran that won the war with the last Mersad operation which bent Saddam Hussein's knees. Operation Mersad has done great damage to the Iraqi army. The trolls here say anything, uneducated!
  5. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Absolutely not !
  6. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Another nice surprise from Iran, which continues to improve and strengthen. When we calculate all the defense systems of Iran and each system is built in several numbers, we can see the power of Iran. And are you talking about saturation? Iran is in the club of the 4 greatest power in air...
  7. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I firmly maintain that the engine is in the process of testing and I maintain even more closed than underground, they have planes that they never showed and the Shafaq project is always in action with the same name or not. Only time will tell if I'm wrong or not and not on wind-based analyzes...
  8. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    General TheImmortal is confused in his head and thinks that there are no other more secret projects for the Air Force. You have no intuition and it will be revealed when Iran decides to reveal their little secrets. Their new big engine and already built and tested for a long time :yes4:
  9. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Underground the Shafaq project still exists! There are people here who lack intuition
  10. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    3 officially, but what other planes are they hiding? Did you count that ?? Through the 4th generation Kowsar, they are working scientifically to bring their future aircraft to level 4+, 4 ++ and the 5th generation. They do this at the lowest possible cost. Iran is ALWAYS more advanced than...
  11. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    General TheImmortal is still in the field as often. Can't wait to see the next generation of Kowsar with artificial intelligence to be able to control drones? And how long has manufacturer MiG been working on their F-35s? Nobody wants it? It's in your head and not in the real world. Your...
  12. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    What do RII Air Industries' new fighter jets and supersonic jets look like? The Air Industries Organization within the Armed Forces of the RII is one of the key organizations which is responsible for the planning, manufacturing and restoration of various kinds of airplanes, helicopters...
  13. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Your words are violent and you are the clown who does not do any background research and believes everything without understanding the substance of things. The images are spectacular, but we have to go further than that and understand the manipulation and mortality in India. Me, I do not wish...
  14. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Seriously, you didn't understand anything about this gigantic manipulation. I am not saying that there are not many deaths in India because there are 1,300,000,000. Many whistleblowers speak in India, doctors ect You will soon understand how this planetary manipulation was built. And tell me...
  15. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    This woman lives in India and says: NO ONE DIES ON THE STREET. THIS IS ALL ONLY A LIE!
  16. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    By the way, stop the propaganda of the images of the media manipulation about india, they have the best record in the world on the flu covid with less death On this day, it is reported that there are 208,000 deaths from covid deaths. The population in India is 1,300,000,000 and that gives the...
  17. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    You are absolutely right and dozens of lawyers are gathering around the world to make a mega international lawsuit on this big lie of this false pandemic. Currently the biggest lawsuit in the world is in Canada in the province of Quebec. I'll add to your post that dozens of covid treatments...
  18. Mr Iran Eye

    Persian Posturing: Iran’s Drone Fleet Seen From Space

    This section of the forum is full of trolls and demagogue. Pakistan has nothing to teach Iran about drones because Iran is far more advanced on the subject. A real joke the comments here
  19. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    We should never forget the greatly improved S-200. I believe that Iran still has surprises in store for us on the subject. When you know a little about Iran's announcement process, you always have to expect surprises. In 2017, they showed us this different missile for the S-200
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