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  1. syed_yusuf

    Harbah NG to be unveiled in IDEAS 2022

    I for sure believe Babur is more than 750 km range for sure
  2. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    cannot be, look at the location of IFR
  3. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    this picture seems fake ... why -- look at the location of the EOTS
  4. syed_yusuf

    IDEAS-2022 - Updates & Discussions

    is al-haider an official name for VT4P moving forward. with TOT will Pakistan be able to export it? Does the ToT includes engine and transmission manufacturing in Pakistan?
  5. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

  6. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

    good news, i hope they can complete this number in in next 3-4 years to keep the cost down and capability superiority vis-a-vis india
  7. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    so many admirals for such a small navy
  8. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    I think after akinci paf should moved to jet propulsion based stealth ucav
  9. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

    All other debate is just a debate then I guess
  10. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    My number estimare is 100 examples by 2026 All made in China
  11. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

    Bhai , what is the range of Pakistan navy 54ap anti air missile
  12. syed_yusuf

    Protests against army in peshawar

    Obama follow the process in Pakistan there is no process nor any integrity to build and follow the process
  13. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan rumored to be interested in additional RJAF F-16s

    any thing short of f-16blk52+ C/D with an option of upgrade to V should not be purchased
  14. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    after the rebuild and upgrade , do you think t80UD will have these shortcomings addressed?
  15. syed_yusuf


    Americans know how to make exotics fighter planes ... they have just been recently eclipsed by Chinese [read j-10, j-20] . in my opinion franc and Sweden comes 2nd.
  16. syed_yusuf

    DG ISPR press conference

    Not only in India but in Pakistan too. Theses army generals have made the mockery out of the situation .... Look at what is happening.... The most corrupt people are ruling and army is supporting
  17. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    Are they been made in Pakistan?
  18. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    What is the status of WL2
  19. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    Kizilelma is the project pakistan join join asap.
  20. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    this ship should only be used for training will these gona be commissioned into active service??
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