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  1. Suff Shikan

    IDEAS 2018 from My Cam

    @Zarvan @Horus @Oscar @HRK @Path-Finder
  2. Suff Shikan

    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    Visit NCC on 28th Nov from 9AM , with Original NIC
  3. Suff Shikan

    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    I was able to get there with DSLR , lets see wht happens this time.
  4. Suff Shikan

    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    They say that the charge in seat is active for ejection, so they do not allow anyone to get so close or even puyt camera in cockpit I only got this close
  5. Suff Shikan

    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    Photographing the cockpit is not allowed... I tried taking snaps last time but was denied
  6. Suff Shikan

    The 'clean-up' of Empress Market doesn't have to be this way

    Its Supreme Court order for Mayor, and Mayor is performing this Task, as for Shopkeepers, replacement should be offered.
  7. Suff Shikan

    Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

    INS Arihant is not Akula, Its close to Delta Class. INS Chakra is Akula Class sub on loan to IN from Russia.
  8. Suff Shikan

    TLY Protests : Pak Army Rescued 73 Sikh Pilgrims From Pindi Bhatian Motorway

    This Video is of my city Karachi, incident occured while two processions collided, couple of days ago.
  9. Suff Shikan

    Two Pakistani intruders arrested,intruders had Pak army ID cards on them 30 Baloch regiment

    This means they have theirs IDs for registration on Indians CPs, and Pakistani Currency for shopping in India..... Awsome script. This reminds of funny dialouge of movie "Golmaal" , VAsooli said... Gun hai, Cheer k rkhdunga...
  10. Suff Shikan

    The new SABER M700 Tactical Rifle

    ofcourse Hazrat, InshaALLAH I will be covering IDEAS, just have to manage a pass. Why dont u come and visit with us, it will be a gr8 gathering.
  11. Suff Shikan

    UAE ‘interested’ in HAL-made light combat aircraft Tejas

    Abay dhaknay, Everyday I watch them fly over my house at night time.... Tejas ki baat nhn horhi hai Band buddhi burwak
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