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  1. A

    Who will be Pakistan’s next Army Chief and Joint Chief of the military

    If the powers / PDM, do manage to appoint a similar person to the current COAS, carrying forward the same mentality that is prevalent today, i.e. anti IK And Then, Elections are held at a later date, where IK is again elected in power, this time with a simple majority atleast, because of the...
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    Will they confiscate the Vigos / Mazdas / Jeeps carrying millions / billions in cash, to buy politicians, judges, bureaucrats, servants of the people?
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    Cabinet okays ordinance to sell assets

    It wouldn't be that bad if Punjab wouldn't be soo big a province, that makes even having the federal government soo useless. So much power in a single province. Had South Punjab been created, as promised by IK, within the first 3 months of his government, this wouldn't be as bad as it is...
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    Did Chinese Just Signal Their Preference in PAK Politics? And Response of Establishment

    A foreign government is more comfortable working with a popular government.
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    Dollar now hitting 221 rupees

    Artificial / Systemic uncertainty is being created to discredit PTI but surely the decisions are taken by the center / federal government NOT THE PROVINCES.
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    Pakistan signs the deal for two more Damen Class OPV.

    Since we usually follow the western system of metrics, Not very important but still: How can PN create its own classification of ships and label it a corvette, when the manufacturer labels it as an OPV ?
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    What would it take to remove the corrupt and incompetent political mafia dynasties?

    Show the patriotic institution it's true place in the barracks or border, be it by force.
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    Bajwa is honoured a medallion by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia

    Not Pro Taliban or loosely, PASHTUN ETHNIC association, areas bordering Afghanistan and nearby areas, relation being more of sympathy, being of the same heritage / culture (loosely speaking). Pro Taliban is more favourably used in association with the SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE. Whether Taliban...
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    TLP vandalizes Mobile Market in Karachi.

    Where is this country heading? Lawless Ness from TOP TO BOTTOM.
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    [Video] Imran Khan Address on Regime Change Fallout Seminar hosted by IHC Bar Association - 30 June 2022

    Ayaz Amir's speech was very balanced and to the point. Gist of the whole seminar
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    High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

    It's surprising that only ONE has spoken. Career / promotion, Unified Command is MORE important.
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    After increase in Petroleum Prices, more to come. We are still not closer to the IMF deal: Senior Journalist Shehbaz Rana

    The day when the poverty stricten lower class will revolt and bring down and drag these Elites on the streets and their supporters in the government , made an example off, no matter how patriotic they are, is very near...
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    Did Gen. Bajwa visit China unannounced in June 2022 ?

    China needs to step up diplomacy in order to bring Pakistan into it's sphere of influence. Diplomatic / political and economic influence / pressure be used, to side line / remove unpopular governments / bureau crats / military officers in Pakistan, just like what Western Countries do in...
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    Pak Defence Budget reduced from $8.89 B to $7.56 B for FY 2022-2023 .

    How do you earn more money through Tax , when the FINANCE minister , who is owner of Candyland, is REDUCING his Raw Material IMPORT TAX, to promote his business? All OTHER taxes have INCREASED.
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    Pak Defence Budget reduced from $8.89 B to $7.56 B for FY 2022-2023 .

    Pensions for the RETIRED service man are allocated SEPARATELY. Emergency Funds for WoT or other unannounced SECRETIVE projects could EMERGE ANYTIME POST BUDGET. IMF requirement for a SINGLE ACCOUNT is the only way to keep a check and balance.
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    Suggest me a new I.D name...

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    Pakistan On The Verge Of Inflationary Collapse - Pleads For Larger IMF Bailout

    18 th Amendment needs to be finished. Otherwise, the federal government will not have enough revenues, to repay all the loans , ever. Political obstacles need to be removed ASAP. Provinces are getting more stronger than the federal government. But these measures can only be taken when a...
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    There Cat and Mouse game of US Sanctions on Pakistan 🇵🇰

    Just weapons couldn't stop Soviet Union from disintegrating.
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    Economy or military growth of Pakistan is important

    Soviet Union is a great example of how a strong military was useless, in the face of a weak economy.
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    Who decided this clown to be Prime Minister of Pakistan.

    Only a clown picks a clown. LIKE MINDED
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