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  1. S

    Which one of these paint jobs are suitable for Iran's A-380's.

    First one has the best concept! But I believe they should separate carpet and griffon graphs and choose only one, either: 1. You go with the idea of Persian flying carpet, where the carpet is dominant and stretches over the wings 2. Or you go with flying griffon or simorg that should be more...
  2. S

    Iran shows pictures of underground (500 meters) missile base

    one for every each zionis citizen inside palestine :D
  3. S

    Shahed-129 >>> 004

    Im far from being an expert but these antennas on tip of missile noses need a direct communication with drone thats why they put it there. Simple wi fi connector may be the easiest part to spare cables from pylon getting connected to missile. Thats why these pylons are "weak" and lack...
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    PDF's Iranian Member research referred to by Uzi Robin in His Speech in Washington DC

    Well someone was busy looking through IMF:enjoy::lol:
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    yea i understand every single word Yavar posted! no need to translate:tsk:
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    Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions

    its more like a scan eagle to me
  7. S

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    from now on if Iran gets these russian systems every single destroyed aircraft will be considered as s300 had destroyed it, even if they brought a fly or b2 stealth bomber it will be thanks to all mighty s300
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    Iran expands regional ‘empire’ ahead of nuclear deal

    ahh yes the one to whom is expected to lose entire state power grid, was that regional POWER again?!
  9. S

    Iran's help to Iraq in its fight against Daesh terrorists

    will be nice to see if some of rats got killed with these little machines:D
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