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  1. L

    Twitter “Gives” Gilgit Baltistan To India, Triggering A Virtual Crisis In Pakistan

    Doesnt change reality, however much some people may dream of having GB
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    The United States and EU extremely upset with Pakistani resolution at the UN

    Showbaz finally got a win. The west is increasing getting out of touch with reality.
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    Sweden arrested Quran burner in the face of protests: Momen

    You all need to stop replying to him, his trolling your just feeding him and in the process writing allot of nonsense yourselves. Stick to the topic.
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    Sweden arrested Quran burner in the face of protests: Momen

    Stop posting rubbish you havnt a clue especially about Islam.
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    Pakistani woman scientist eyes Saudi Arabia investment to propel groundbreaking jet engine invention

    Imagine if there was political and economic stability, the advancement and development would be rapid in tech and many fields.
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    ‘I chose education over hijab… will need to make some sacrifices’ : State board exam topper

    The irony in the west and their supporters of socalled freedoms they want to keep religion out of schools but force lbgtq agenda on kids, why not keep that out to. Hypocrites.
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    Imran khan's interview by Mehdi Hassan

    Focus on Immi when those I'm power for over a year have destroyed the country.
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    China demands UK enters talks with Argentina over Falklands slamming 'colonial legacy'

    If they had control sure, now it's way passed that point damage is already done. The UK is not the main power now its the US now. They were born there, how is that illegal, what law are you even using. No one was forced out of the Falklands it was inhabited by britain for hundreds of years...
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    China demands UK enters talks with Argentina over Falklands slamming 'colonial legacy'

    They are natives now regardless, that is the fact.
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    China demands UK enters talks with Argentina over Falklands slamming 'colonial legacy'

    Last I saw Scotland was part of the UK they have separate laws and assembly. It wasn't England interfered its the Scots who voted to remain, better united than divided. The UK didn't invade Falklands from Argentina it was taken back after Argentina tried to anex the island. As I said the will of...
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    China demands UK enters talks with Argentina over Falklands slamming 'colonial legacy'

    There is not much to discuss to be honest. Whether the taking of Falklands was right or wrong it's not something I want to debate, they held a referendum and the islanders wanted to stay part of the UK. Most if not all of them are now native to the island. So handing it over is out of the...
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    Swedish court allowed to burn Quran: Insulted and Burned down !

    The best response actually is dawah. Muslims in sweden and really everywhere should counter the right wing narrative, too much the views of extremist Muslims is used as a narrative to label Islam as being that way. Islam should be judged by its teachings not by actions of individuals...
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    Swedish court allowed to burn Quran: Insulted and Burned down !

    Actually I filtered no facts I didn't know the Muslim community prevented that burning and it seems so the police gave permission? So if that's the case I withdraw that particular criticism.
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    Swedish court allowed to burn Quran: Insulted and Burned down !

    I recall the hypocrite swedes quickly stopping a torah scroll burning. That was right to do ofcourse, but their fear of Islam has no bounds.
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    Pakistan's Defense Minister and the Strategic Dilemma Facing Pakistan

    Any leaders who marginalises the middle class starts to oppress and torture them will only lead a nation to complete economic ruin. We see that clearly today. It's the action of these corrupt selfish leaders which has put pak in the position it is. Now Asif wants the US to appreciate Pak, what a...
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    Is Joe Biden a pedophile?

    In the times we live in if any other man did that there would be uproar but as his president and old people are quick to ignore. I personally would not have my child anywhere near him.
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