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  1. H

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    shut your mouth, scumbag dog! You are a pathetic nation ruled by the Turks for centuries. Now you call Turks donkeys!! 100 percent of Turkey can read and write. Don't compare Turkey with an ignorant Iran. You forget that there are 30 million Turks living in Iran. Provoking the Turks will cost...
  2. H

    10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

    You can't insult anyone, don't read if you don't like it.
  3. H

    Turkey's Economy Cannot Hold Out Much Longer

    The Kaans, which will be produced until 2028, will fly with the f110 engine. Also, we dont have an engine project for Hurjet. Is there any project on ship and submarine engines?
  4. H

    Turkey's Economy Cannot Hold Out Much Longer

    Israel has nothing to do with this. Is there a turbofan engine produced by Israel?
  5. H

    Turkey's Economy Cannot Hold Out Much Longer

    Our submarine technology has developed through joint projects with the Germans, and our aircraft industry with the Americans. The engine used in Kaan and Hurjet is American-made, the engines of our ships and submarines are German-made.
  6. H

    Turkey's Economy Cannot Hold Out Much Longer

    It doesn't matter. There will be a crisis, then the economy will recover. What is important is that we establish our fully independent defense industry. No one will be able to impose an embargo on us and we will be able to sell the weapons we want to whomever we want. Also, we will never leave...
  7. H

    10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

    I thought the Greeks were jealous, but I apologize to the Greeks. Iranians are much more jealous. Again, I thought the Greeks were talking nonsense, but the Iranians are bullshit much more. They do not believe in Turkey's defense industry, which sells drones to 30 countries in the world. In 10...
  8. H

    10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

    @Philosopher @Mehdipersian I thought the Iranians were not stupid enough to believe the lies of the mullahs. Iran has nothing but Soviet era ballistic missiles with the technology of the 70s. (Soviet ballistic missile technology in the 70s is not bad) Iran has not produced any aircraft...
  9. H

    10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

    I am also complaining about the same things being written over and over again. Still, if you hadn't answered, no one would have noticed. The whole world is making fun of qaher. you are very funny.
  10. H

    10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

    I didn't think I'd see an idiot who really believed in qaher-313
  11. H

    10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

    @MMM-E Don't waste your time explaining the Turkish defense industry to an Iranian and a Greek. They're burning with envy, so I recommend a glass of cold water to them. Even if you tell them a thousand times, it won't work. First they laugh, then they get angry, they finally accept it.
  12. H

    Iran unveils hypersonic weapon 'Fattah'

    Unfortunately, I don't believe the official statements made from Iran. Most of the statements they made in the field of defense industry were propaganda. I know Iran is good at ballistic missiles, but I don't think they can do even half of what they say.
  13. H

    Three more Turks murdered by Afghan refugees.

    The number of refugees is decreasing because they are becoming Turkish citizens. Anyone who has completed 5 years can become a Turkish citizen. We give citizenship to people who don't even know Turkish.
  14. H

    Three more Turks murdered by Afghan refugees.

    Everyone wonders why we don't deport refugees. I'm really wondering that too. Erdogan managed to get 52 percent of the votes by assuring that he would not send refugees. The Turkish nation both complains about refugees and chooses Erdogan. How smart do you think Turks are?
  15. H

    2023 Turkish election

    I don't agree with you Erdogan won
  16. H

    Pakistani Man Killed in Turkey with "Pig Tie" method

    You are talking about Merve Kavakçı. It was 24 years ago. We left those dark days behind.
  17. H

    Pakistani Man Killed in Turkey with "Pig Tie" method

    don't lie...not hijab. they thought she was a refugee because she spoke arabic Proof that there is no hijab problem in Turkey:
  18. H

    #BREAKING Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wins presidential election

    1. Supported by PKK 2. Supported by the western media always loses in Turkey. Using this headline from The Economist, they made propaganda that "Kemal will make Turkey a slave of the West"
  19. H

    Pakistani Man Killed in Turkey with "Pig Tie" method

    May Allah have mercy on my Pakistani brother. I am almost certain that this incident was an act of extortion.
  20. H

    Pakistani Man Killed in Turkey with "Pig Tie" method

    There is no such ideology as secularism in Turkey. Everyone from the right to the left has a religious belief. It is around 3-5 percent who don't have a religious belief.
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