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  1. N

    As U.S. looks to make India hub for ship repairs, India eyes major opportunity

    India has opportunity here. I hope no Indian jugaad or no any step is skipped from procedures during repairs.
  2. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I think this world cup is all about intentions. Whichever batsman has played positively and aggressively has been very successful. No pakistan batsman has been consistant , positive or aggressive enough to win a match for pak. Look at mahmudullah of bangladesh, he's playing positively and...
  3. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I am betting few boundaries. It's not a cliff hanger. But easy causing to victory. If afg was 6 wickets down than it was cliffhanger. But not with so many wickets in hand.
  4. N

    A Very Interesting Aspect of Indus Shield 23 Exercise

    I was replying to this comment, nomi007 said: Targeting S-400 is not a big deal, Ukrainians destroyed them with very simple cardboard design uavs But u had quoted his post so I hit reply on urs. But mistake was mine I don't reply in trolling threads, I just saw the last reply and thought some...
  5. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    If pakistan retsrict the runs , wicket will come automatically. But for that bowling needs to be very accurate and fielding top notch.
  6. N

    A Very Interesting Aspect of Indus Shield 23 Exercise

    I don't know and I don't care what politicians or media persons say on both sides. U said something illogical and I corrected you. Always reply only if u have something useful to add. Ofcourse if there's some scientist saying something do share.
  7. N

    A Very Interesting Aspect of Indus Shield 23 Exercise

    LoL , so if indian army has anti-Tank missles that means pak should sell thier tanks ? Every assett has a value and it forces the enemy to carry counter measures which wastes resources and man power. You guys take garbage media too seriously.
  8. N

    Europe is looking to fight the flood of Chinese electric vehicles. But Europeans love them

    Again selling planes under profit is totally different thing. But I agree about Chinese cars. I think next decade, Chinese cars will be everywhere especially premium or semi premium segment. Most Indians don't acknowledge this, maybe because in India only shitty quality Chinese stuff is...
  9. N

    IAF Su-30MKI to get the indigenous Virupaaksha AESA radar named after Bhagwan Mahadev

    Every language die or changes so much that it becomes totally different within 200-300yrs , i forgot dude name who gave this theory . That's how it has been since humans came to existence. I seriously doubt majority hindi speaking will start using sanskrit, it doesn't make any sense. Few...
  10. N

    IAF Su-30MKI to get the indigenous Virupaaksha AESA radar named after Bhagwan Mahadev

    U misunderstood me. If there's a God name which is catchy go for it. But virupaaksha ! Doesn't even roll of the tongue properly. (Not offending any god here) A language becomes dead because people found better alternative. Why suck it's balls now by naming wiered names. Honestly if u ask...
  11. N

    IAF Su-30MKI to get the indigenous Virupaaksha AESA radar named after Bhagwan Mahadev

    I'm all for God's in madir. But man we should start naming the weapons better. It goes a long way in marketing as well. Why not use catching hindi or English words easy to remeber? I have never met a person who is looking to find names from dead language for thier child. So why use it for...
  12. N

    Europe is looking to fight the flood of Chinese electric vehicles. But Europeans love them

    Actually no, both require very less testing to push the product in market. Easy to design and launch new models as compared to planes. Heck even rockets are more easy to establish a space market. But planes r totally diff. Thing. If u don't get it what can I say.🤔
  13. N

    'Angad', 'Uttam' To Replace Imported Systems In Indigenous LCA Fighter Jets

    It's a fake yaar. As I said there's no way they will put engine in lca before trials.
  14. N

    'Angad', 'Uttam' To Replace Imported Systems In Indigenous LCA Fighter Jets

    I seriously doubt it. We haven't even done engine testing with enhanced thrust , assuming thrust is enhanced. Testing trials are must before putting it in lca for testing. And trials usually take 5 to 10 yrs to complete. I haven't even heared any news about acquiring testing platform for Kaveri...
  15. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    If I am wrong than sorry but from ur post u didn't sounded like u played at college or school level. As i have Never heared a player wondering or saying why people like tough matches. But if I'm wrong and still u like easy games with win in half overs than who am I to disagree. Just enjoy...
  16. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    It's difficult to explain when you have never played any competitive game or actually faced like tough matches during school/college days. Competing is the basic human nature,greater the struggle more the excitement. And majority people want competition, that's why you will find huge crowd...
  17. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I miss old matches with last hour finishes. I might just skip rest of the matches of this world cup except semi Final and Final. No fun watching dead 1 sided matches. I switched off TV after Rohit got out. There was no need to watch further.
  18. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    All of them were playing like they r already lost and didn't care what type of shot they were playing. Very weak mental discipline shown by pak batters after babar got out.
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