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  1. Baghial

    KPK Police chanting slogans against the Namaloom after the Peshawar bomb blast.

    na-maloom are BLACK VIGGO_ operating every where,- like black water /wagner group-and are taking salary from GOVT of pakistan-
  2. Baghial

    One sensible person in Senate : Daring speech by PMLN Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed

    he,s a lap poodel of GHQ, zia, mushi, raheel and bajwa, ka maleeshy
  3. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    Every person below is responsible for what is happening to Pak today ( hire a clown and watch the circus) imran nazi
  4. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    Even now, if the army does not take decisive action against the TTP terrorists and their facilitators, it means that the army/generals itself is the facilitator of the terrorists
  5. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    because TTP wont kill there own ABU JEE
  6. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    PTI govt had plans to resettle TTP fighters in Pak's tribal districts.. Imran Khan has said that Pakistan should not consider military action against the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or seek help from the United States in this regard as such cooperation would lead to internal discord...
  7. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    imran khan,s TTP spokes person,
  8. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    If you want to know the real characters behind terrorism, just look at who did not allow the APS atrocities to be investigated.
  9. Baghial

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    The police lines is one of the most secured area inside the Red Zone. Such a big security breach. Only police are allowed to enter these premises. .9 yrs of imran khan,s govt,? failur and plunder
  10. Baghial

    Pervez Elahi successful in vote of confidence:

    HAIN? Pervez Elahi successful in vote of confidence,,???, GHQ and its poodels got vote of confidence, by punjab ka daku? hazrat amirul kazibeen imran papa jee. gate nr 4 waits your arrival in rawalpindi- dont be late for your appointment, kiddo
  11. Baghial

    Punjab Assembly Dissolved

    worshippers of devil, also believe that he,s the savior, when ever the elections are held? if imran the jew lover does not win 100% , according to his twisted mind . he will be on twitter the next minute- giving a call to his zombies, and the cycle...
  12. Baghial

    Punjab Assembly Dissolved

    کرائے کا تانگہ اور ہانکے کی سواریاں-pti
  13. Baghial

    Punjab Assembly Dissolved

    PTI -is in reality---------pakistan tehreek-e- fauji
  14. Baghial

    Punjab Assembly Dissolved

    no- matter what the physco immi the dim does, he,s out of parliment -out of PM slot. the only place for him is, RETARD PERSONS WARD IN HOSPITAL> or MACH jail... while the country is in turmoil, baja/ faiz , saqib nasoor, are enjoying...
  15. Baghial

    Ishaq Dar Claims forex reserves stand at $10b

    yes am enjoying the chaos.
  16. Baghial

    Ishaq Dar Claims forex reserves stand at $10b

    yes ,, and also like raheel and mushraf, your idols
  17. Baghial

    Ishaq Dar Claims forex reserves stand at $10b

    so- why u still bitching in pakistan- go to ur own homeland dude
  18. Baghial

    Ishaq Dar Claims forex reserves stand at $10b

    if imr-ran khan and his newton gang can get away with lies, which the idiots believe, why on eart would the cocaine addict utter a word of truth, back in his days of govt, immi the dim. changed 3 finance ministers, without...
  19. Baghial

    New party to be made against Imran Khan | Asad Ullah Khan

    A NEW PARTY OH MY where will they find new g-mens or a new party name with old garbage? the same garbage which im-ran collected by truck -loads
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